Chapter Two

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FLASHBACK (The Day that I Died)...

"I'm home," I hollered, letting the beefy bodyguards lead me through the spacious and over-gaudy mansion that was more or less my home for all of my life. It was my graduation and I expected my parents to not show up, them deciding that it wasn't worth their time to see me walk across the stage as they prefer to spend their time and energy doting over my little brothers.

"We're in the family room," I heard Dad say formally. "Your mother and I want to talk to you about your future."

"This way, sir," one of the guards say robotically as I was soon escorted to the destination in question. Seconds later, I saw my parents being dressed in their usual formal causal attires (Dad in Brioni pastels and Mom in all-white Chanel) as classical music played in the background from the stereo.

"How was graduation?" Mom asked as I sat down in front of them.

"It was nice," I replied. "Glad that it's all over so I can just focus on the future ahead."

"Your mother and I wanted to talk about that," Dad replied as two more guards came in with their pistols in hand.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Dad gave me a small square smile. "Son, your time here in the family is all but complete," he replied. "As of now, you're no longer a member of the Chamblee family legacy since you're not what this family represents: sophisication, excellence, elegance. In a way, you're mainly a mediocre child who managed to skate by with being unseen or unheard."

"And while we appreciate you being out of the spotlight and not cause any scandal to the family name, you're still an unwanted child that came from my affair with the former chauffer in the past," Mom added, eyes narrowed in silts at the memory. "Like I've mentioned in the past, I would've gladly aborted you if it wasn't for your late grandfather insisting that you stay alive. Nonetheless, you're a thorn in the family's side, a flaw that must be eradicated."

Reality settled in as I took in their words. "You mean, you're kicking me out of the house?" I asked. "Where am I supposed to go before college?"

"That won't be a problem," Dad commented, grabbing his glass of whiskey as two of the bodyguards came in front of me and aimed their guns at my head. "Your mother and I decided that the time has come to have you put out of your misery. You see, Hezekiah? This family is like an investment and your mother and I see this family as properties and whatnot. Your older sisters Leigh-Anne and Mariah are assets since they're set to enter the modeling world, Mariah soon to wed a prominent athlete who's well-connected to the finance world. Your brothers Alex and Cameron are assets because they're young athletes who are set for the football fields and the baseball diamonds. You, on the other hand, are what we like to call an expendable liability, meaning that you're only worth something until the time is right to do away with you."

All I could do was nod and ignore the tide of goose flesh racing up and down my nervous system.

"And with your father putting a very lucrative life-insurance policy on you, there's not much you can do at this moment since we banned you from getting a job while you were in school," Mom added. "In a way, you're worth more to this family dead than you are alive."

"I can't believe this," I muttered, my voice oddly calm for someone who was set to be killed off like a pig at a slaughterhouse. "How long have you been planning this?"

"It's been arranged for a long time," Dad answered as if we were talking about the weather. "Face it, Hezekiah. You are not what this family needs. Consider this as a mercy killing as it's not fitting for you to be seen as a homeless bum or a criminal on the way to jail. This is a much-easier way to let you go."

"Of course," Mom smiled at her husband. "And besides, Hezekiah, no one at your school will miss you since you have no friends who will miss you at all. It'll be like you never existed in the first place."

I just remained silent, not caring for feeling angry at them. I expected this right from the start, me being killed by my own flesh and blood.

Dad turned to one of the guards. "Do what you must," he instructed. "Make sure to stage Hezekiah's death as a suicide and have him tossed in an unmarked grave somewhere."

"Yes, sir," the man said before aiming his gun at me. "Sorry, kid, but I gotta do what I gotta do. I wish you peace and happiness in the afterlife."

I nodded, accepting one glass of my father's favorite whiskey as a last drink and downing it in one gulp.

At least the bitter drink would make the gunshot to my head easier for me. Because being killed by my own family...was the worst way to go. Oh, well. It is what it is.

Cumulative word count (so far): 2,094 words.


Hezekiah's parents are nothing but pure scum, aren't they?

Well, at least they were upfront about how they feel about him and not abusive like Demario's mom from my other story.

We'll dive into Hezekiah's backstory in the chapters to come alongside the butterfly effect of his murder after he was killed.

Coming up next, Hezekiah's heading to the Nexus afterworld and he's getting familiar with his new world where he never existed. You might be surprised with how it's like. I know I will and I'm writing this story.

Song: "Perfect" by Simple Plan. Dedication: elveloy and EvelynHail.


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