Chapter Six

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Hezekiah's POV

In the Nexus, Chance's Home...

After treating myself to some lunch and a small nap, I was soon at Chance's home (which was a cleaner version of his home back on Earth) as I was being introduced to some of the residents of the Nexus world, which had a lot of people living there- well, not a whole lot of people, but a nice crowd nonetheless. And I was currently in the living room as Chance himself (now dressed in khakis and a button-down shirt) introduced five of the many youths who were holding court with him.

"Caroline Merck." a brown-haired and mousy teenager who was brutally sacrificed by her family so they could become famous. A lot of good that did them since they died from a lethal drug overdose as they were soon in hell.

"Eva Sinclaire." a pale-skinned and statuesque ex-cheerleader who was raped countless times by her uncle yet was accused for being promiscuous. That was a sin in itself.

"Damon Van Halles," a small yet bulky teenager who was bullied and abused at school and home. His birth mother took his siblings and left him in the care of an asshole of a father who, alongside his new wife, tormented him about his weight while his classmates and even teachers scorned him for being an outsider. He was soon beaten to death by his father while his mother and siblings lived life without him, all of them wishing he was dead.

"Alvin Cartwright," a beanpole-thin nerd (in every sense of the word) who was scorned by his athletic parents for not being man enough. He was seduced and raped by his older brother's girlfriend who teamed up with the family to have him drowned in the pool. They got away with it but he was surprised to see them miserable if he wasn't born.

"Catalina Slade," a dark-skinned Amazon who was a mystery. Judging by her glares at me, she didn't want to tell me her story.

All of us shared one thing in common: we were Nexus youths and were denied access to heaven or hell.

"How are you adjusting to life in the Nexus, Chamblee?" Eva asked me, her black-and-white dress flowing as she handed me a platter of appetizers. "It can be hectic for quite a while, but it can be a cakewalk if you know a few people."

I shrugged my shoulders, taking a sip of lemonade. "I'm still surprised that I got here since I didn't do much of anything to end up in hell," I replied. "Being brought up in a Catholic home and raised to be a good Christian was the one thing that was expected of me since I wasn't handsome like my sisters or athletic like my little brothers."

"Ouch," Damon winced, his Dutch accent laced with sadness. "Your family that religious?"

"Not really as much since they liked to go out and do who knows what. I was the only one to go to Mass and catechism since I was a kid. But yeah, we believed in anti-gay laws...well, they did and I just..."

That caught everyone's attention, including Catalina's who had her eyebrows raised. "Do tell," she said, her Brazilian accent laced with curiosity.

I took a look at Chance, who was staring intently at me. "I prefer to keep that to myself," I commented, lowering my eyes.

There was a knock on the door. "Who can that be?" Caroline asked. She strolled up to the door and opened it slightly before accepting a letter. "It's for you, Hezekiah, from the Man upstairs and his brother downstairs."

Taking the note from her, I opened the envelope and pulled out a small note.

Hezekiah, the note began.
My brother and I hope that you are settling into the Nexus world just fine. We both believed that you were not meant for Earth, but you do not fit into either heaven or hell. Our wish now is that you find happiness where you are. As for those who wished you ill will and snuffed out your light before your time, they will be dealt with properly as what was done in the darkness will soon come to light.
Lucifer and I will soon come and visit you soon. For now, make sure to glance at the world if you were never born while remembering your past. The time will come when you will learn why I didn't want you on Earth in the first place.
Welcome to the Nexus, Hezekiah Chamblee. May you find what you need.

Catalina sniffed in disdain as I folded the note. "Personal letter from God," she said. "He never addressed to me like that."

"Cool it, Slade," Alvin said, his nasal voice full of warning. "Maybe there's a reason why He wrote to Chamblee."

"Says you." We watched her storm out the door, slamming it behind her so hard that it made my heart jump.

"What's with her?" I asked aloud.

Chance gave me a sad smile. "She's still mad that you're the center of attention around here," he explained. "That, and I told her that I had someone on my mind when she pressured me to date her."

"And that someone is me?"

He nodded.

Well, shoot. I just earned myself a spot on the Brazilian beauty's blacklist and I didn't do anything. What's next?

Cumulative word-count so far: 5,530 words.

Well, folks! Looks like we got a jealous diva in the midst. What's Catalina's story? And what do you think will happen next regarding Hezekiah and Chance?

Coming up next, we see Hezekiah taking a glimpse of the timeline where he doesn't exist before he reflects on a birthday where everyone ignores him save for one kind housekeeper. Don't go away.

Song: "Dog Days are Over" by Florence+ the Machine.


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