Chapter Sixteen

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Hezekiah's POV

The Nexus, Pacifica Vista...


Perfect skies.

Golden sands.

A cushy and opulent all-inclusive resort surrounded by ethereal and lush wildlife.

That's the exact vibe of a perfect summer vacation that I never truly envisioned back on Earth since I was trapped in boarding schools and random camps over the summer in Europe while my family got to enjoy all of that and more. Little wonder that I was so pale and gaunt while everyone sported tans.

But it doesn't matter at this point since I was now checking in at the Ivory Bay Health Resort and Spa while taking in the happy camaderie of the people who were looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of the sprawl in the Nexus. A group of young women wearing floral-print sarongs were sashaying and glowing from what looked like a trip from the spa. An elderly couple were chatting animatedly at a middle-aged pair with the latter feeling more and more uncomfortable.

"We hope you enjoy your stay here, Mr. Chamblee," the receptionist, a perky blonde, chirped as she handed me my room key. "And with you being the newest resident and a special case, consider your vacation as a complimentary gift from God himself."

I nodded. Looks like the Lord's been busy making sure that I was well accommodated. Probably wanted to make it up to me as penance for sending me to Earth in the first place. "Thank you," I said. "I intend to enjoy my time here, even more so after everything."

The female receptionist nodded, giving me a sad smile. "It's a lot to take it, I know," she commented. "Mr. Chamblee, all of us in the Nexus know of your story and how you weren't meant for Earth in the first place. But know that this is going to be a good life for you here. I guarantee it."


I whirled around to see Chance dressed in a floral-themed button-down shirt and tan khaki shorts approach me. "Hi," I said, surprised by his easygoing smile. "Wait, do you work here?"

"Bellboy and part-time bartender," he explained. "Looks like you're taking advantage of exploring the worlds of the Nexus. Planning to get in some time on the beach?"

"Maybe, but after I get one glimpse of home in the world where I don't exist first. I kind of need to see how everyone would enjoy their summer vacations without me."

He nodded in understanding. "That's true," he commented as he took my suitcase and led me to my room. "It's kind of a recommendation to peek into the timeline to see how people are faring without us rejects who are here in the Nexus."

"Is your family better off without you?" I couldn't help but ask.

A flicker of pain flashed through his eyes. "Unfortunately, yeah," he said bitterly. "Dad always liked to say that if I wasn't born then the family would be more at ease with his world of little girls. And now that I'm no longer existent, I'd like to think that the bastard got his wish after all."

"Damn," I breathed before turning to him when we got to my room. "That's harsh."

"Tell me about it," Chance noted, no trace of his happy persona in display. "I don't like looking at the timeline where I wasn't born because it's a reminder of what I could never be a part of. You know what my dad said before he shot me? 'Next life, be reborn as a girl so you can at least make this family better. Your sisters are angels. You're just a demon spawn. You disgust me.' That's what he said. What was ironic was that I didn't bother fighting back because I knew that I was going to die either way. It's pathetic, but at least I was peace with leaving a world that never had any opportunities for me."

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