Chapter Twenty-Five

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Hezekiah's POV

Unknown location...



Folks, it's been said that the Lord works in mysterious ways. Well, I guess that definitely works for the people living in the Nexus because the moment that I opened my eyes and soon saw God, Lucifer, the archangels, the archdemons, and Chance surrounding me was when I knew that something was definitely at work. "What happened?" I asked as I was soon helped to my feet by Abaddon. "What's going on?"

"I guess that your teleportation did a number on the boy, brother," Lucifer said, smiling wryly. To me, "Hezekiah, we're currently in the Palace of Glass and Gold, which is part of God's kingdom. And it is here where we will be conducting your wedding to Chance as Rosalia is making her intentions known."

"That explains everything," I replied, taking a look around and being struck in awe of how the church-like building was decorated in a blend of both diamond-like glass and pure gold with the floors and ceilings made of the former while the windows and doors were of the latter. "And I take it that this is temporary?"

"All until after your wedding ceremony is when you'll be back in the Nexus where Lucifer and I will be the ones to put Rosalia in her place ourselves," God replied.

Just then, two more archangels (both of them Asian twins with short black hair and flawless tans) came in with a young man who was dressed in an all-white tuxedo. He was around my younger twin brothers' age and surprisingly enough, he was a dead ringer for one of them. "Sir, we have a new arrival," the one on the left side of the newcomer said. "And he's connected to Mr. Chamblee."

"At ease, Uriel," God said. "I've been expecting him myself."

My eyes went wide, finally noticing how the young newcomer had a small hook-shaped birthmark on the right side of his cheek. "Cameron," I breathed. "Cameron, how did you get here?"

My younger brother gave me a sad smile as he approached me before wrapping me in a hug. "I'm sorry, Hezekiah," he breathed. "I'm so sorry that I didn't stand by you even when I should've."

"It's okay," I soothed him. "It's okay, Cameron. But how did you get here?"

"Alex and Leigh-Anne," he replied, breaking away from the hug as his tear-stained face looked at me. "They were the ones who gunned me down during Mariah and Andrew's wedding. And from what I know already before coming here, I believed that they were going to get rid of me in the same manner that Mom and Dad got rid of you back in the summer."

"So you know about how Mom and Dad-"

"They explained that you killed yourself moments after you came home from your graduation," Alex interrupted. "But I believed that there was something more than what they're trying to sell you. Alex, Mariah, and Leigh-Anne were all for it as well as Andrew since Dad favored everyone who wasn't you. Believe me, Hezekiah, that I was the only one who believed that our family was going to be facing a lot of scandals since you died: Mom's surgeries and alcoholism, Leigh-Anne's drug abuse, Alex's bullying and steroids, and Dad sleeping around and mishandling finances. In a way, our family is messed up to the core yet you and I were the ones to keep it real."

"All true," God commented. "And that's the reason why he is meant for a second chance on Earth."

"Wait, what?" Cameron and I said in unison.

The deity smiled at the two of us sadly. "Hezekiah, I meant it when I said that you are not meant for either heaven or hell nor were you meant for Earth," he replied. "You were meant to have a good life in the Nexus as you were made from my own hands. Cameron, on the other hand, has proven himself worth to reborn on Earth and be a light for the darkened world. This reunion for you two is meant to be very special as you two never got a chance to spend time with each other."

"So after Chance and I are united as one, Cameron has to go back to Earth?"

"Yeah," my fiance said, coming to my side. "I get that you want to see Cameron again and all, but his time is not yet come to be into his own fate. But who knows, Kiah? God is the One who works in His mysterious ways and only He can be the one to finally set things right."

I turned to Cameron, my little brother giving me a teary smile of his own. "I'll miss you, Hezekiah," he replied. "But we'll see each other when my time is up. For now, I want to see you happy with your boyfriend. That's enough for me."

"Thank you," I said gratefully.

Just then, a bright light emerged to form my surprised new friends: Eva, Damon, Caroline, and Alvin as they were dressed in gowns and the guys in tuxedos. "Wow," Caroline (who held two garment bags and dress shoes breathed, looking around. "So this is what heaven looks like."

"Only a small preview, my dear," Lucifer crooned. "Unfortuantely, this is as close as you all are going to get as you'll head back to the Nexus after the ceremony."

"We'll take it," Alvin commented. "Now, let's get this shindig rolling!"


Third-Person POV

Meanwhile, in the Nexus.

"It won't be long now," Rosalia hummed as she spun around in her no-frills wedding dress while prancing around in her bedroom. "Once I get Chance into my grasp, sedate him just enough to get him into a chapel, and we're finally married; the Convergence will come and I will be here in the Nexus for good. As for that weak link named Hezekiah Chamblee? He'll be history once I have him tossed back into the void where he'll be there for life."

But as she was lost in planning for the rest of her life, she was unaware that God and Lucifer had bigger plans for her. And none of it would be pretty.

Cumulative word-count so far: 29,655 words.

Don't go too far, folks! It's time for another wedding- but this one is sure to please you both! And as much as I hate to break up a family reunion, Cameron has to go back to the land of the living and fulfill a promise to Hezekiah. All that and more are coming your way as we're approaching the final stretch of this story! Stay tuned!

Dedication: OralKel and xiamond. Song: "Wedding Day" by Seal ft. Heidi Klum


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