Chapter Twenty

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Hezekiah's POV

FLASHBACK (Friendships and Farewells)...

They say that jocks and nerds tend to be like oil and water- they never mix well no matter who says as both groups tend to clash with one another.

Who would've thought that a wallflower like myself would be close friends with someone like Chance Dalton? Since our initial encounter during our freshman year, the two of us were mainly seen as the odd pairing at Allendale Christian Academy. I was the one who made sure that Chance was focused on his studies while he was the one who made sure that I wasn't harassed by the popular crowds and made sure that I got passing grades for gym. We also got to learn more about each other and our families. He wasn't too pleased with me being pushed in the background by my fame-obsessed family and being left to myself when they were hosting lavish dinner parties or traveling the world. "Your family sounds like a total bunch of a-holes, man," he noted at one point. "How do you survive with the abandonment and all that?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Mainly by grace and support from the maids and servants," I commented. "Of course, I don't get to see them much over the summer since I'm at camps and boarding schools in Europe during that time. Nothing I could do about that, but it's all to make sure that I make my family proud even though they don't care for me at all. Just wanted me out of their hairs."


I learned very little about his family life other than that he never cared much for his parents since they favored his older and younger sisters over him. "You wouldn't like being in my house for a while if you came over," he had said when he refused my offer to come over and stop by to work on a school project. "My dad's not keen on kids of your caliber and would likely drive you out of there in minutes."

I didn't press him for more details, but I had a feeling that there wasn't any love in that home.

All in all, Chance and I mainly had a brotherly kind of bond between us, but as days turned to months and as we matured to being young men I felt that there was something more than a genuine friendship forming. Of course, I knew that being a dedicated Catholic meant not being in any relationship that was seen as taboo in the Lord's eyes. And I couldn't tell Mrs. Simmons about it since she was a devout Christian. All I could do at the moment was focus on keeping things platonic and my feelings to myself while not causing any drama. It was all I could do at this point.


Of course, I knew that my parents were not going to approve of my friendship with Chance and neither would any of the teachers or staff members at school. Hence my meeting with Headmistress Fuller over lunch one day during my sophomore year. "Mr. Chamblee, all of the teachers have noticed that you've been getting very close with Mr. Dalton," she said after taking my seat in her spacious office. "And your parents have noticed it as well as I have."

"Ma'am, we're only school friends since I don't see him enough when he's with the jocks," I commented. "For the most part, we're mainly keeping things platonic for the moment."

"Even so, I am concerned about how Chance is starting to...well, it's not my place to say this, but I think that he's not right for you as a friend in general," the older woman stated, her face serious and tone brooking no argument. "I see you as one of the school's top students with a bright future ahead. With your grades right now, you can be eligible for any college scholarship in the country. For you to be seen with someone who has some unwanted baggage, it might distract you from the goals that you need to focus on."

Unwanted baggage? "What do you mean by that, ma'am?" I wanted to know.

"Well, you might have heard that his life at home isn't pleasant and his relationship with his parents are very strained," Mrs. Fuller said. "Well, it's because that Chance was seen with the wrong kind of crowd for the past few months and all the teachers know of it. He's on the brink of destroying himself and could easily bring you down if you're not careful."

"Chance never told me of this," I said, eyes lit with confusion.

"Maybe because he didn't want you to see that side of you, young man. But I took the liberty of talking with him and his parents as well as yours, suggesting that he spends less time with you and you spending more time with your studies." Headmistress Fuller smiled softly. "You are a fine young man with a well-respected family who believes in keeping you out of unwanted trouble. Let's not ruin your reputation. The last thing you need is someone who can get you in unnecessary trouble. Focus on your education, Mr. Chamblee. That's all you can do. Keep your eyes on the prize."

And unfortunately, my friendship with Chance Dalton came to an end the day after the meeting when I was told that I would have lunch with the headmistress and other teachers while Chance himself was to stay with his group of jocks and the popular crowds. I rarely got to saw much of him other than when we pass each other in the halls. But even then I noticed that he wasn't feeling as confident in himself and sported some nasty bruises that must've come from his family.

But it wasn't until the start of junior year when I learned that Chance Dalton was found murdered in his home and his parents and sisters had left town. His funeral was held in private, but my parents were there and told me that he was to be cremated. "The young man was caught in the wrong crowd," Mom had intoned to me while I took dinner in my room. "It was fitting that your father and I broke things off between you two before you got caught in the crossfires. And besides, all you can do at this point is focus on your last two years of high school and keep out of trouble."

And just like that, I was alone again...naturally. After finishing my dinner, I changed into my pajamas and said a silent rosary for Chance's soul. "Safe travels, Chance," I murmured softly. "May you finally find peace in the storm. Thank you for being my one and only friend when we were allowed to be so."

Alone again, naturally.

Cumulative word-count so far: 24,175 words.

As you guys can see, Chance and Hezekiah's friendship on Earth never had a chance to fully develop into something more durable no thanks to family interference and Chance's tragic death. But they were quite close to each other. And of course, we already know that those two were destined to be with each other since they are fated soulmates.

Anyway, we head back to Earth and check in with the Chamblee family as things start getting too real and the perfect family picture gets more and more shattered. You're not going to believe how it all plays out!

Song: "Rehab" by Rhianna. Dedication: Reekles.


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