Chapter Nineteen

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Later that evening...

Chance Dalton and I are to marry each other.

Chance Dalton and I are to marry each other.

Chance Dalton and I are to marry each other.

It hasn't been a full month for me in the Nexus (pointless to mention that since time is nonexistent), but I'm already hit with more surprises than any clown that's been hit with cream-filled pies.

First, I'm not meant to be created for Earth. Second, I was killed by my own parents since I didn't fit into their American dreams. Third, I wasn't allowed residence into either heaven or hell (the latter being a relief for me in a way). Fourth, Chance has had a crush on me since we met during freshman year in high school. Fifth, Catalina Slade was known as Rosalia Domingue who killed numerous men back on Earth and was meant for hell but somehow snuck into the Nexus under her fake name. Sixth, she wanted Chance all for herself so she could avoid hell at all costs.

And now, Chance Dalton and I are to marry each other to avoid Rosalia's wrath!


I looked up to see the concern face of the young man whom God and Lucifer paired me with as my soulmate and future husband staring at me, the newly-arrived deities standing behind them in their formalwear glory. "Sorry," I muttered, remembering that I was still standing in the middle of the room after the bomb of Louis' news was dropped on me. "I had a LOT on my mind after what I just heard."

"That you do, Hezekiah," God noted as he ushered me to sit between him and his brother on the three-seater sofa. "And as the Creator of all living beings, I know that you're still taking everything in with what's been dropped on you right now- especially with the arrangements for you and Chance to marry each other. You're feeling scared, anxious, confused, bitter, sad, and even unsure about yourself. It's all understandable given the situation about your life on Earth and everything that I've explained about your creation."

I inhaled deeply. "You're right," I replied, fighting the waves of a panic attack before Gabriel came over and stood in front of me with a bottle of water on hand. I accepted it and took a swig before continuing with, "I had a lot to take in, especially with me not being meant for Earth and being unwanted by my family. There's so much I want to say right now that I'm not sure if the words will ever come out right if I do speak out loud my feelings. I'm scared that what I do say will not be taken lightly or be seen as positive. So I mainly keep it to myself to avoid being seen in the wrong way. It's why I grew used to being in the background as a wallflower. If I do my role and keep my nose clean while staying out of the spotlight, I would make everyone happy and hopefully be seen as enough. Everyone made choices for me, so I just adapted to everything and let it all run its course."

Lucifer sighed heavily. "Oh, Hezekiah," he said sadly. "My brother and I know you've been hurting for the longest with abandonment and apathy. Alongside the death of Chance, you had to deal with it all by yourself with a few sympathetic ears to being willing to listen to you. You were robbed of everything and anything, and you suffered for it. But you're here in the Nexus, son. My brother and I created this safe haven with you and all of those before you in mind- a world where people of your caliber can find acceptance with each other and opportunities to find peace within yourselves. The world is full of darkness- something that I am responsible for with me being who I am, but the Nexus is your light as much as Chance is for you as your soulmate."

"Yes," hummed God as I faced him, staring into his powerful blue eyes. "The rings that I gave to you and Chance are blessed by my hands and powers as symbols of true lovers that are soulmates for all of eternity. And with Miss Domingue now having her eyes on you boys, it's all the more reason for you two to make it official as husbands here in the Nexus. Don't deny the blessing any longer, my child. Trust in my plan. Let go of all the fears and inhibitions. This is your moment."

I turned to Chance, he holding the ring boxes in his hand. Could I really do this? Could I marry my one and only friend and be his true soulmate? If I don't, then Rosalia would have no problems with making him his while I was left alone...again.

But if I said yes...

If I said yes, then it could be the start of a new chapter. Taking a deep breath, I got up off the sofa and walked towards Chance as he got down on his knees and opened one of them. "Will you marry me?" he asked.

There was only one answer to give him: "Yes. Yes, Chance Dalton," I replied. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes," Chance answered.

The deities and archangels clapped loudly as the two of us slid the engagement rings on each other's fingers. "Send word," God instructed Gabriel and Michael. "In three days' time, Hezekiah Chamblee and Chance Dalton are to be united in marriage."

"Yes, Your Grace," the archangels chanted in unison before in a cloud of gold smoke.

Lucifer grinned. "I have a good feeling about you two," he intoned. "Miss Domingue won't know what hit her."

I believed it.


Third-Person POV


Rosalia Domingue was not a happy camper.

She knew that all of heaven and hell was looking for her to send her to Satan's realm for her wicked crimes and committing suicide to get away from her punishment on Earth. She knew that she didn't change her name to Catalina and fought like hell to keep others away from Chance Dalton just to learn of God and Satan's plans to have him marry to Hezekiah. And even after sending the note to him, she knew that Hezekiah was spending more and more time with her chosen soulmate.

She didn't believe in the idea of true soulmates because they didn't exist to her. And she knew that something had to be done to stop the wedding before the Convergence arrived. If she wasn't married to Chance by then, she would be in the lake of fire.

It was time to make her first move. Little did she know was that a certain male seraph was watching her every move as instructed by God himself. Rosalia didn't know it yet, but all her planned schemes would soon be for nothing.

Cumulative word-count so far: 23,031 words.

The battle lines have been drawn, my fine friends, and we're getting ready for one heck of a wedding. And with Rosalia/Catalina getting ready for something scandalous, you know that a lot of shit is about to go down.

But coming up next, it's a retrospective into Chanzekiah's friendship on Earth before Chance's untimely death as the principal and Hezekiah's parents tell him how they feel about the friendship.


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