Chapter Eleven

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At Chance's House...

"You know, I never really took you to be in the Nexus, Hezekiah," Chance said after he set up a simple lunch of sandwiches and chips alongside glasses of ice water, the two of us gathering in his living room to play some jazz music. "Back at school, everyone saw you as the straitlaced and no-nonsense Catholic kid who went to Mass every chance he had. That, and you never had any lovers around you because you were mainly focused on schoolwork."

"Well, I knew that I had to maintain the Chamblee standards even though neither of my parents nor my brothers and sisters followed through with it," I commented, accepting a sandwich half and biting into it. "Even though I wasn't handsome enough like my mom or strong enough like my dad, I had to find my own way to help keep the family name out of the tabloids and do my share to keep everything spotless."

"No one's squeaky clean, bro. I mean, my family's twice as messed up since they did a bit of almost everything that was illegal under the sun and they had no shame in doing it. Me? I was simply shunned for not being a heteronormative male and Dad thought that it was necessary to 'do away with the abomination of the house,' hence my entrance here. Your family, one the other hand, could get away with everything thanks to the right connections. If I could bet trillions to toothpicks, I think that they could shoot the president and easily get off thanks to a mistrial."

I snorted, rolling my eyes. "Like that'll ever happen," I replied dourly. "Then again, who can say? I mean, my only crime was being born as a product of rape. Forced rape, to be precise, or as my mom would call it. It was little wonder that she and Dad were so eager to get rid of me so they could have the 'diamond standard of a perfect family.' In their eyes, anyone who didn't fit into their world had to go. And unfortunately for me, I had to go because I didn't fit in their world."

"Damn," Chance said, shaking his head.

There was a terrible icy silence between us as we ate our food. After clearing everything away, Chance and I headed towards the back yard where there was a nice garden set up around the fence area and an even bigger pool with the water clear as crystal and matched the ethereal-blue sky. I turned to him with a dubious look. "You have a pool of your own and you swam in mine?"

Chance gave me a sheepish grin. "I had to get it cleaned a while back before you arrived," he commented. "By the time you did, everything was almost done and I needed to get in a swim."

"That explains everything."

"Wanna join me for a swim? Or maybe just float around and enjoy the sun?"

Wait, is he suggesting that I get a view of his god-like physique, unleashing all of my forbidden fantasies that I had to lock away in my head back when I was alive? "Well, I don't have any swimwear," I began. "And I hate to impose. Besides, my body's not as athletic as yours."

"Nonsense," Chance replied as he led me back inside and guided me to his bedroom. "You're not imposing and you have a great body from what I've seen since we were in gym class. I have some swimsuits that could fit you perfectly."

And more than likely show off a certain part of my body that'll give my unspoken feelings for him away, I thought.


Five minutes later, I was feeling slightly self-conscious in the deep-blue triangular swimsuit that definitely contoured my groin and ass perfectly, my body slightly buffer and athletic than it was back on Earth. "I feel" I couldn't finish my sentence as I took in my nearly-naked reflection in the mirror as I stood in Chance's bedroom. Turning to see his wide smile, I felt my face heat up. "How do you feel so confident in wearing these, man?"

"I just told myself that I needed to stop feeling the same way that people should feel and just go my own way," Chance replied. "That, and I had plenty of workout training to notice that I look great in speedos."

I could definitely tell since his swimsuit in dark green made him look like the stellar athlete that I admired back in the past.

Chance came to my side as we took in our reflections. "Do you see what I see, Hezekiah?" he asked me.

"I see myself feeling self-conscious in this tight swimsuit," I said frankly. "That, and I see the one guy from my high school years looking amazing and confident."

"That's not what I see, Hezekiah. I see a young man who is a great guy who never had a great life back on Earth, always keeping up appearances to appease his self-gratifying family," Chance told me, his voice brooking no argument. "I see the young man who- despite being left alone during the school year, sent to boarding schools over the summer to get out of his spiteful mother's hair, and forced to stay in his room when parties were held for his older sisters- is a great guy and could've had a great guy if it wasn't for complacence and arrogance from his mother and father dictating his life. I see a great young man...whom I fell in love with back when we first met during our freshman year."

Cue the record scratch.

Did he say what I think he just said, folks?! I thought he said that he fell in love with me the first time that we met.

I turned to him, my breath caught in my throat. "Are you serious?" I asked him as I felt the air in his bedroom grow warm with seduction.

"I'm dead serious, Hezekiah Oshea Chamblee," Chance replied firmly as our lips were inches away from each other. "Even after coming here, I couldn't get my mind off of you. I knew that we were worlds apart with our backgrounds and all, but I wanted to be yours. And despite your fears, I knew that you felt the same way."

Damn it all to hell and back, I knew he was right! I knew that my parents wouldn't approve of me dating a guy with our Catholic backgrounds and his family being straight-up assholes in general. I had to keep my feelings for him at bay and focus on my studies while he focused on his athletic career. Sadly, he died by junior year and I had to return to being a wallflower.

But now that we were in the Nexus where we live in a separate timeline and world...I don't know what the next move is for either of us.

What if it all goes down in flames?

What if everything goes right?


I snapped out of my thoughts to stare into his desire-filled eyes as he goosed my speedo-clad ass. "Chance," I breathed as I felt one of his hands touch my apex between my legs.

"I don't think that I can wait anymore. And I know that you can't wait either."

And those two sentences alone would seal the deal as we took off our swimsuits, branded each other's lips in a heavy kiss, and...well, let's just say that the two of us finally lost our virginities to each other- and in the Nexus, no less. Unfortunately for you, the details about what we did in the bed would have to remain a secret. I am a gentleman that never kisses and tells, after all!

Cumulative word-count so far: 11,905 words.

JACKPOT, BITCHES! Hezekiah and Chance finally did the deed for the first time and they finally made their feelings known- and in such a short amount of time, no less! I bet y'all can't wait to see how this turns out, don't you?! We'll see how things go for our boys, but you're going to love how it all ends!

Coming up next, we take you to see how our boys met during freshman year at high school! And these particular flashbacks in the chapters to come...will be memorable!

Dedication: CynthiaDagnal-Myron. Song: "Dive" by Usher.


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