Chapter Fourteen

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For the most part, I never expected seraphs or cherubs to take on human forms, never mind that they're straight out of a fitness magazine and are experts of psychology and psychiatry.

But that's what I got the moment I stepped into the all-white and Zen-esque office, I was staring into the soul-piercing eyes of the ethereal yet down-to-earth Thorne, a male seraph whose cropped-short black hair, gilded-tanned skin, and athletic body was the stuff that dreams were made for women to lust over. "I believe that all of us seraphs were expecting to come make your first visit to one of our offices," he said in a deep voice that was alluring like a siren's. "And with almost everyone knowing your life story, we knew that it wasn't going to be long before you found yourself in one of our offices."

I took a deep breath as I sat down. "Well, my friend Chance recommended that I started seeing someone to put my new life here in the Nexus into perspective," I replied. "I mean, I'm still reeling from being forbidden into heaven or hell, much less not going back to Earth for a second chance at life. Though God and Lucifer had explained everything to me, I was still surprised by everything."

"What about your life on Earth?"

"There's not much to tell. I mean, I knew that I wasn't going to have it easy since I was a product of rape- an unwanted guest in a family that valued purebreds and perfection, if you get my gist. For Jeffrey and Adelle Chamblee, I knew that I was facing a lifetime of being a wallflower and ignored completely. Had it not been for the servants who gave me the time of day, some unexpectedly kindhearted people, and my friend Chance who's in the Nexus with me; I would've lost my mind by just being complacent."

"Did any thoughts of suicide crossed your mind?" Thorne wanted to know.

"Not if my father allowed it," I replied. "In his mind, anyone who killed oneself was considered pathetic and more than likely an embarrassment to families. The Chamblee clan never took to anyone who considered it, anyhow. 'A true Chamblee always keep their walls guarded and smiles through the pain and tears,' he said. 'A Chamblee must keep one's crashing house of cards propped up and bear through it all despite how one feels.' Of course, it came easy for me since I was mainly left to fend for myself and dealt with so many disappointments. So I just dealt with it alone- swallowed my emotions and be polite no matter how I felt."

"We've all known that part regarding your family," Thorne noted, "and everyone believes that unless they undergo a drastic change in their lives, they're facing a fast-track and one-way ticket to the lake of fire. Trust me, Lucifer and his brother are preparing them all for one hell of a rude awakening."

That's one load off my mind.

"But back to you and your new life here in the Nexus, how are you coping with your life here so far?"

"Well, I'm still taking it all in stride and have made a visit to the capital known as Axis yesterday," I replied, sitting back in my chair. "It's like Pleasantville mixed with Beverly Hills and New York all blended into some retro-centric town which has some modern-day amenities. It sure beats living in Walton Park near San Antonio, I can tell you that much."

"Did you take a moment to view the timeline where you never existed?"

I nodded. "I mainly glanced at the time I turned sixteen- or would have if I was born and my family seemed happier as dinnertime came around," I replied. "Everyone felt more genuine and carefree, something that wouldn't have happened if I was around. But as God said, there's a purpose for everything and I guess I never fit into that purpose at all. So, here I am, ready to discover my next move here and seeking some guidance for what's to come."

Thorne nodded. "I can't truly give you the exact answers for what you should do, Hezekiah," he said. "It all has to come from within you. I and the other seraphs here who are therapists can only show you the door. But what I can do is help you get adapted to your life here in the Nexus. There's limitless things and opportunities that you can pursue here- ones that were denied from you back on Earth by the people who thought that knew you best. They wanted you to dance to their tune yet accused you of not being enough. Here, you can stand up and use your voice to say what you feel and do what you please. Nothing is ever a true guarantee, not even here in the Nexus. But you can make the small step to go forward and live. Forget about what others say and let go of the old world. This is your moment. Live it. Be it."

His words were powerful, if not similar to those from Chance's. "I'm just nervous of what might happen if I make wrong choices," I admitted. "I mean, I don't want to step on anyone's toes or say something that might land me in hot water."

"Many a false step is made by standing still and many a wrong word is said by being silent," Thorne intoned. "There's a time to be silent and a time to speak out. Never be afraid of being who you can be."

I nodded. "Well, I did say that I was going to start living life as I promised Chance," I replied. "Maybe my initial visit here is the first step needed to do just that."

"That it is, but there's more you can do. Try some new challenges and visit new places here in the Nexus. Maybe take a day to visit Pacifica Vista- one of the numerous beaches that the Nexus offers. And maybe even make new friends and try new experiences."

"I could do that," I commented. "I would like to take a day or two to see everything and maybe even make a friend or more."

"That's the spirit. And for your mental and emotional state, I would want you to make sure that you come and see me when needed. I'm here if you need a listening ear or just need to vent your anger."

"Thank you," I said gratefully. "Thank you, Thorne. I have a feeling that I'm going to need all the support that I can get."


Hello, Hezekiah Chamblee, a note that was addressed to me and waited for me at my home said.
I've been watching you for quite some time since your arrival here at the Nexus. And since you're now getting too close to Chance Dalton, I knew that you and I are going to be perfect enemies for each other. I'm only saying this because you are now on my blacklist and you're my main threat- one that's going to be eliminated one way or another. Besides, there are worse places than hell or limbo if you're not careful.
To be continued, Hezekiah Chamblee, make sure you heed my words well: stay away from Chance Dalton. He's mine- ALL MINE.


"Cataluna" is obviously none other than Catalina Slade, the Brazilian beauty that was one who is not to be played around with. And something told me that her letter to me is going to be the start of a game that I thought was not going to be in my favor.

Cumulative word-count so far:  15,301 words.

Cataluna/Catalina is one fierce bombshell who's going to be causing some trouble for everyone, especially Hezekiah. And with the battle lines now being drawn, you can count on the drama to be kicked up one notch!

But coming up next, it's back to the land of the living as Mariah's fiance learns of what happened with Hezekiah and she tells him that it's for the best of the family creed. His reaction? Stay tuned and find out!

Dedication: Nyhterides.


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