Chapter Nine

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Hezekiah's POV

FLASHBACK (Pre-teen in Summer Camp)

"I'm home," the eleven-year-old me said as I walked inside my home and surprised to see the maids and servants running about with packing and cleaning the place. "What's going on?"

A tall and pretty lady with blonde hair and a chilling smile came up to me, her heels clicking on the marbled floor. "Are you Hezekiah?" she asked me.

I nodded.

"Good, I'm Miss Pastek, your mother's personal assistant," she introduced herself as we shook hands. "Listen, your parents, brothers, and sisters have left for the airport earlier to stay in New York for the summer. Unfortunately, they didn't want to invite you since they believed that you'd be a distraction for them. And while your mother knows that you're growing up to be a fine young man, she thought it's best that you start spending your summers away from the help."

Mrs. Sammons, the head maid, came up to us with a look of confusion on her face. "What's going on?" she asked.

"Ma'am, I was explaining the Mrs. Chamblee's son that he'll be going away for the summer," Miss Pastek replied. "Unfortunately, he won't be with his family as they think that it's not right for him to join them."

"Then where is he going to stay?"

"Well, his parents arranged for him to spend his summers at an all-boys summer program at a private school in Monaco," the blonde woman replied. "He'll be taking classes there and his teachers there will make sure he stays out of trouble."

Mrs. Sammons wasn't having it, she shaking her head. "Lord Jesus," she muttered. "Ma'am, I-"

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but this isn't for debate. All his bags have been packed and the house will be cleared for the summer. A liason will soon arrive to pick Hezekiah up shortly to take him to the airport and he's expected in Monaco in the evening for dinner and orientation. He'll be able to contact you once he gets settled."

To me, "This is for your own good, dear. Besides, you're not really ready for the family's standards and will likely drag them down if you're not careful. And think of it this way, your summers in Europe will do you good. You'll be studying and focusing on your personal growth. It's all a part of the Chamblee manifesto where perfection is key."

She walked off, leaving me to my thoughts.

"Heffa," Mrs. Sammons spat. She gave me a sad look. "Baby, your folks are no good. If you were mine, I'd make sure that you got a good home and real love. This place right here is full of money and greed. You keep your head up and remember that I'm praying for you."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied as a tall man came in to collect me. And from the time of my arrival in Monaco was when I would start looking forward to summer and winter vacations in Europe in boarding schools and camps that featured endless homework, young men who were too cool to speak to me, teachers that kept me away from Mrs. Sammons or the other servants back home with no chance of contacting them, and time spent wondering what I did to deserve being rejected by my own family.

But hey, anything to make my parents proud. All I could do was keep my head up, my opinions to myself, and accept what fate gave me...


PRESENT-DAY (Back in the Nexus, the following day)...

I had a feeling that my visit with God and Lucifer- Satan- would soon arrive.

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