A New God is Born!

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A Young Man Named Y/n L/n was walking through his Hometown as he smiled holding some bags that contained Video games, Chips, Soda, and even A Brand new Video game he Planned on Playing for A Night in.

Y/n: Ah, What A Beautiful World~! Nothing can Ruin it~! NOTHING!

Just then he was Hit by A Bolt of Lightning and Died!

Random guy 1: OH MY GOD THEY KILLED Y/N!

Random Guy 2: YOU BASTARDS!

Y/n suddenly woke up in A Bright light as he began to get up he looked around and he saw What could be described as A Miniature Modern Home.

Y/n suddenly woke up in A Bright light as he began to get up he looked around and he saw What could be described as A Miniature Modern Home

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Y/n: Huh? Did someone save me? Someone with... Weird Tastes?

He then walked out and saw that the outside was one Massive white Void with nothing outside but bright white nothingness.

Y/n: Huh? Okay, I Must be Dreaming! Okay! It's All A Dream!

???: Nope, You're Dead.

Y/n: GAH!!! W- Who are you!?

Jack: Me? I am God, but you can call me... Jackdroid, or Just Jack for short. Okay?

A/n: Yes, this is the Same Jack from my Multiverse Story! Me! Surprise!

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A/n: Yes, this is the Same Jack from my Multiverse Story! Me! Surprise!

Y/n: Wait, You're... God?

Jack: Yep, and... I Accidentally Killed you.

Y/n: .................................................................................. WHAT!!!?

Jack: Now calm down that was completely by Accident!


Jack: Look I am going to make it up to you, Okay? I Am Going to make you A Demi-God!

Y/n: You're going to Unlock some Latent Potential which makes me A God And Train my ass off?

Jack: What? God No! I'm Just Push you into this Pit.


He then pushed you down A Pit.

Jack: That Pit! Just gotta soak in that for like 5 minutes and it'll be good.


Jack: It Does? Strange, I never really used it before.


Jack: Oh, sorry about that.

5 Minutes Later...

He then pulled you out and he smiled.

Jack: So How do you feel?

Y/n: L-Like... A-A God! Am I as strong as you now?

Jack: Pfft HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No!! To be honest I am still so many leagues above you! But hey A Man can Dream! Now That I spent those 5 Minutes to Plan everything out I have some things for you.

He then handed you A Piece of Paper with some Galactic Cordinates on it.

Jack: Go Here as soon as possible.

Y/n: Why?

Jack: You'll see, You're going to get some of your Stuff there. You're Empire. Bye!

He then Created A Portal and Kicked you through there.

Jack: Alright then, If my Plans go well he will have Millions of soldiers at the Ready and he will also Have A Planet ready for him. Man, it's easy to make 14.5 Billion years Happen in 5 Minutes. Maybe I should manage my time better if I can do that. Eh, Don't care.

He then took out A Magazine titled "Gods Monthly" and Began reading it sitting on A Couch.

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