Y/n L/n was an Unlucky guy when he got hit by A Bolt of Lightning sent by God but he gets another chance at Life as the OP God of His own empire and will expand his empire to other worlds meeting different Series with different women on different Pl...
A Young Man Named Y/n L/n was walking through his Hometown as he smiled holding some bags that contained Video games, Chips, Soda, and even A Brand new Video game he Planned on Playing for A Night in.
Y/n: Ah, What A Beautiful World~! Nothing can Ruin it~! NOTHING!
Just then he was Hit by A Bolt of Lightning and Died!
Random guy 1: OH MY GOD THEY KILLED Y/N!
Random Guy 2: YOU BASTARDS!
Y/n suddenly woke up in A Bright light as he began to get up he looked around and he saw What could be described as A Miniature Modern Home.
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Y/n: Huh? Did someone save me? Someone with... Weird Tastes?
He then walked out and saw that the outside was one Massive white Void with nothing outside but bright white nothingness.
Y/n: Huh? Okay, I Must be Dreaming! Okay! It's All A Dream!
???: Nope, You're Dead.
Y/n: GAH!!! W- Who are you!?
Jack: Me? I am God, but you can call me... Jackdroid, or Just Jack for short. Okay?
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A/n: Yes, this is the Same Jack from my Multiverse Story! Me! Surprise!
Jack: Now calm down that was completely by Accident!
Jack: Look I am going to make it up to you, Okay? I Am Going to make you A Demi-God!
Y/n: You're going to Unlock some Latent Potential which makes me A God And Train my ass off?
Jack: What? God No! I'm Just Push you into this Pit.
He then pushed you down A Pit.
Jack: That Pit! Just gotta soak in that for like 5 minutes and it'll be good.
Jack: It Does? Strange, I never really used it before.
Jack: Oh, sorry about that.
5 Minutes Later...
He then pulled you out and he smiled.
Jack: So How do you feel?
Y/n: L-Like... A-A God! Am I as strong as you now?
Jack: Pfft HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No!! To be honest I am still so many leagues above you! But hey A Man can Dream! Now That I spent those 5 Minutes to Plan everything out I have some things for you.
He then handed you A Piece of Paper with some Galactic Cordinates on it.
Jack: Go Here as soon as possible.
Y/n: Why?
Jack: You'll see, You're going to get some of your Stuff there. You're Empire. Bye!
He then Created A Portal and Kicked you through there.
Jack: Alright then, If my Plans go well he will have Millions of soldiers at the Ready and he will also Have A Planet ready for him. Man, it's easy to make 14.5 Billion years Happen in 5 Minutes. Maybe I should manage my time better if I can do that. Eh, Don't care.
He then took out A Magazine titled "Gods Monthly" and Began reading it sitting on A Couch.