More Legions!/ The First Battle of the Thunder Warriors!

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The Planet of Nimban was sent into A Civil war, due to the Local Populace believing you were not the True God meant to control their world. Of course, Nimban was A Muddy Hell hole of A World which being set in the Mid-rim worlds was destroyed by Mining and Manufacturing.

Of course, you had sent the perfect Men to fight them. They were known as the Death Korps of Kreig.

The Death Korps of Krieg were all Soldiers who came from A Hive world that was wiped out by A Nuclear war so they were all Pushed underground

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The Death Korps of Krieg were all Soldiers who came from A Hive world that was wiped out by A Nuclear war so they were all Pushed underground. They are all an Army of Men who are Masters of Trench Warfare and Attritional Warfare, not even caring if they die or not.

Death Korps General: CHARGE! FOR THE EMPIRE!

The Death Korps all Jumped out of the Trenches charging toward the Entrenched enemies as they were all pelted by Artillery rounds and rapid-fire Slugthrowers every time they charged they Managed to get closer to the enemy Lines but never made it, always suffering heavy Losses.

Death Korps Commander: Captian Reinforcements had arrived!

Death Krops General: May the Emperor Grace us. Who is it?

Just then Golden Wind teleported in front of him.

Golden Wind: It is I, the First son of The God Emperor.

Death Korps: What do you bring, Demi-God?

Golden Wind: I had brought the first of A New Breed of Warriors. The Thunder Legion.

Golden Wind then charged Magical energy in his right hand as he rained down Lightning and Meteors onto the Mimbanian Rebels he then Pulled out A Massive Golden sword as they all charged in!

Golden Mind: May they all crush like Bugs and snap Like Twigs! For the Empire!

Thunder Warriors: YEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!

The Thunder Warriors then quickly ran in as they began to wipe out Mimabian Reststiance of all Kinds For their God Emperor, AKA You! Of course, it had been A Quick Battle that had the rebellion stamped out in only one day.

They had surrendered out of sheer Loss and Fear of something like that happening again.

Back at your Castle...

You were working on A New Breed of Soldier based on the Thunder Warrior but instead of Taking the worst of Humanity, you would Take the very best.

Y/n: And A Little bit there and A Little bit here, Aaaaand... Aha! I did it! The Perfect Soldier! A Soldier to put all Soldiers to Shame! My Grand Creation of Foot Soldier! I shall call them... The Space Marines!

 The Space Marines!

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