Kall up 'da WAAAGH! Boyz!

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So Usagi soon Married you and not Just The Crystal Kingdom was added to the Y/n Empire but also Usagi became the first-ever empress of the Empire and Chibiusa became the very first princess.

Of course, deals Must be settled as you had Traveled to A World controlled by A Race Called the Orks, and you wanted to strike A Deal with them. Your ship Landed outside of An Ork Village, as you walked out and A Bunch of Orks Walked out to confront you.

They were all Painted Black which shows that they all Belonged to the Goff Clan, A Clan of Orks who all Believe in Meele combat and Barely anything else. And Of course, they were all led by One Monster of A Man.

Gazghkull: listen up ere yer fancy imperial weakl'n let me 'plain dis ta yer very easy ta understand! get yer sorry karcass off uv ma planet ma WAAAGH! Boyz drag yer off by 'da piece!

Gazghkull: listen up ere yer fancy imperial weakl'n let me 'plain dis ta yer very easy ta understand! get yer sorry karcass off uv ma planet ma WAAAGH! Boyz drag yer off by 'da piece!

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Y/n: Gazghkull, I am the Emperor, I Hope you will recognize me. I am quite Famous, Powerful, and Immortal.

Gazghkull: Gazghkull: ah would yer shut yer damn trap! we goff Boyz do not need yer people ere! we do not serve yer kind ere, an' yer kan get lost! if yer take annuver step ere blood will be spilt on 'da ground!

Y/n: What if I offer you an your Boys All of the Battles you would ever need?

Gazghknull: Iz listen'n ta yer offer, emperor uv 'da empire! ma Boyz might be at yer use!

Y/n: If you Join my Empire there will be Infinite Conquests, I never ending war, and then there shall be A Never ending war for you and Your Boys, to be Involved in.

Gazghkull: neverend'n konquests? neva end'n battles? neverend'n WAAAGH!? yes, me an' ma boyz love dis idea! dis idea sounds great!

Y/n: So Will you Join my Empire?

Gazghkull: if wot ya say iz true, den may me an' ma WAAAGH! Boyz join yer infinite konquest as we shall have foreva WAAAGH! foreva for me an' ma Boyz! right Boyz!?

Goff Orks: Goff orks: for da orks! foreva battles forever! for da Boyz an' da empire!

Goff Orks: Goff orks: for da orks! foreva battles forever! for da Boyz an' da empire!

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Y/n: I'm Glad you can all Think so. Your Assistance will be needed soon. We're going on another Crusade and this one will be Good. Lots of Battles for all of you to charge right into.

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