Y/n L/n was an Unlucky guy when he got hit by A Bolt of Lightning sent by God but he gets another chance at Life as the OP God of His own empire and will expand his empire to other worlds meeting different Series with different women on different Pl...
Soon the Expedition Ultra Star Destroyer had Picked up A Massive fleet of Covenant Ships to come with you on your trip across the Universe and of course, the next place was Another Galaxy at War.
This Galaxy had A Race of Slightly Evolved Humans who had Telepathic abilities under fascist leadership fighting against A Race of Alien Bugs called the Klendathu but are Just called the Arachnids or Bugs by the Humans there.
Of course, you decided to put your chips in and fight in this War with a newly Acquired bigger Army and Fleet.
Currenly A Small force of the Army and fleet were at the Red Planet of Mars on A Campaign.
At Mars...
The 501 Legion all Clad in their White and Blue Generation 2 Armor were Marching through the Deserts supplemented by Hordes of B1 And B2 Battle droids, and A Bunch of Covenant Soldiers.
Of course, there were two of them Just talking about the Situation.
Echo: Man at all of the Places we could have been and we all ended up in the Desert world that was just colonized.
Fives: Yeah, But work is Work, and we got some Bugs to Kill.
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Echo and Fives were A Pair of Troopers who were put on the same Team as Kamino and after A Heroic battle, they were Promoted to Arc Troopers after helping to save Kamino two times.
The Commander then ordered A Break as they all began to sit down and hydrate.
Echo: You Know we walked 30 Stinkin Miles and not even A Damn Beetle!
Fives: True, but they're Probably Hiding or something. Could be something like Umbaara.
Echo: God don't remind me. That place was A Damn Nightmare. We all nearly lose our lives there.
Fives: Yeah, I remember.
Just then A Grunt ran over smiling.
Grunt: Are you all talking War Stories? I can share A Few.
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Fives: Huh, What's your Name?
Fives: Jeff?
Jeff: Yes, my name is Jeff! I have Chosen this Human Name to respect our new God!
Echo: Makes it A Lot easier to remember your name.
Just then A Huge Horde of Arachnids began to come down the Hills Towards the Small force, as they were the General All Purpose Warrior Bugs!
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Commander: Alright Battledroids to the front Position Clones to Middle Position, and Grunts to the Back!
Everyone then got into Position as the Battle droid's Natural Durasteel armor made them resistant to their Massive Claws, and the Plasma Bolts could easily shoot their Carapace armors and Kill them and everyone Behind them ended up finishing them off.
It was easy.
Possibly too easy.
Commander: ... Alright, Everyone Move out!
Echo: Huh, This seems way too much easier for us.
Fives: Makes me wonder if the Federation is Just stupid or if those Bugs are much smarter than they're showing they are.
Jeff: Maybe, this all Just One Big Meat grinder for them.
Echo/Fives: Huh?
Jeff: I mean it Happened with us Grunts. We were deemed the most useless of all peoples in the Covenant so they sent us to the Most Dangerous Places to Kill us off. Lord Y/n would never treat us that way. They seem to be using their own Soldiers, their own People as Mobile Infantry to die and make themselves Look Good in the Process.
Echo: When did you Grunts get so Smart?
Jeff: We are Cowards but we're not stupid. I've known from experiences and-
Fives: BOO!
He then jumped up in fear dropping his gun and A Shot fired out and Hit A Guy whose armor thankfully protected him!
Jeff: Oh, Sorry!
Random Trooper: Seriously!?
Jeff: I said I'm sorry!
Echo: Look I hate to say it but that's A Possibility.
Fives: And what would the Emperor do about it?
Jeff: Our God Would Annihilate them all for being such Terrible and send them to the Pits of the underworld.
Echo: Veru, very True, Jeff.
Jeff: Good. I trust our God to make the right choice in the very end. He is our very own Prophet.