All Tomorrows!/ The Snake People!

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Your Massive Fleet had also Ended up with a Massive Amount of Arachnids supplementing your Fleet as you all continued to Push through the Universe and soon you discovered A New Galaxy.

This Galaxy was Massive and had Dozens of Civilizations all over not knowing each other's Existence. Of course, You wanted to bring all of these bizarre and Unique Aliens into your Empire.

The First of these Aliens were the Snake People who were Vaguely Human in Design but still lived on A Hot desert world and are also very reptilian.

The First of these Aliens were the Snake People who were Vaguely Human in Design but still lived on A Hot desert world and are also very reptilian

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They were Just Peaceful enough as they all simply Loved to slither and Listen to their Music which was Just ground Vibrations. So You were simply talking to their Leaders.

Y/n: Yes, I wish for all of you to rule over all of you.

Snake People Leader: Really?

Thankfully to your God Powers, you can easily understand them.

Y/n: Yes, My Intergalactic Empire stretches through multiple galaxies and we know if that you cave in and Help us, you shall be more than Happy. I can give you very satisfactory terms on this agreement.

Snake People Leadr: Why would you say that? What's the Agreement?

Y/n: That's Very Straightforward. You shall Join and I shall Provide Safety, An amazing Intergalactic Market, and all of the things you shall ever need. You have no notion what could be out there. It could pretty much be The end of not just your planet but the entirety of your Galaxy.

The Snake Person Leader began to remember something. Across the Galaxy, there had been evidence of other Human Species Similar to them as if A Holy event had Happened or something... Far more Satanic would have Transpired to their Forerunners farther back than they can ever recall.

Snake Person Leader: I see. We shall Gladly Join your Empire if what you say is True.

Y/n: Thank you You won't regret it.

Snake Person Leader: Now would you smoke and Listen to music with me?

Y/n: Of course.

You then ended up smoking some Chemicals and Got High while Listening to heavy Bass pulses that formed Music when you felt.

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