Y/n L/n was an Unlucky guy when he got hit by A Bolt of Lightning sent by God but he gets another chance at Life as the OP God of His own empire and will expand his empire to other worlds meeting different Series with different women on different Pl...
Soon the 501st Legion had ended up Taking An Encampment at A Hilltop Position digging themself in that Position and fortifying it, it was about time as during one Stormy night, the Arachnids Launched A Massive assault on the Legion.
Commander: Come on Men!! Do you wanna Live to Fight or Die to these Bugs!!
The 501st Legion kept all Positioned Fortified with Heavy fire as they also had Light Artillery Backing them up!
Echo and Fives were on the front lines in the Mud shooting at Warrior Bugs that came their way, with rapid fire!
Echo: Keep Taking this you Damn Bugs!!
Just then Some Ball ballbugs landed next to them and they Un curled to reveal that they were bombidier Bugs charging for A Plasma explosion!
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He then pushed Echo out of the way as the Bugs blew up in small Plasma explosions, and soon Hopper Bugs began flying over Picking at any Troopers who were left alone, with their Huge Clamping Jaws!
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Fives: Damn, this whole thing is A Blood Bath!
He then shot at A Hopper bug which fell to the ground and nearly slammed into A Soldier.
Echo: Wait, where is Jeff?
Jeff was running around supplying Ammo and supplies to everyone along with the other Grunt who served that duty.
Jeff: Come on we need to deliver those-
One of his fellow Grunts was Picked up by A Hopper Bug and flew off with him! Jeff pulled out his Pistol and Began shooting at any more that came close to him!
Fives: Jeff!
Fives then Began Gunning A Hopper that Got behind Jeff and he carried him to safety!
Jeff: Thank you for saving me. I am eternally Grateful.
Fives: It's nothing.
He then brought him to the Trenches to be Safe, as Suddenly the ground began to Crack Apart and A Giant monster came out!
Trooper: TANKER BUG!!
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The Giant Tanker Began running through the Defenses Spewing Molten Liquid everywhere as the Battle droids were sent out to begin Laying fire on it, and the Tanker bug began destroying them all!
A Jackal Soldier quickly ran up its Back and Punched A Hole in its Back before dropping A Grenade on it and hopped off before it Blew up in A Pile of Bug Guts and orange Liquid!
Soon the General was revealed to be the Arbiter as he was leading forces into the Battle!
Arbiter: Alright Men, Keep Laying suppressive Fire! Don't Let up!
A Hopper Then Began to try and Impale him but he took his Blades and impaled it first!
The Droids were sent out to Push the Warrior Bugs Back and they did as the Warrior Bugs Corpses kept on Piling up and Began turning into Walls!
Soon the Morning had come and every Damn Bug was dead.
Arbiter: What are the losses?
Trooper: 12 Troopers, 20 Grunts, 11 Other Convenant Soldiers, and 89 Battle droids.
Arbiter: So Minimal Casualties?
Trooper: Yes, Sir. What shall be Our Next Move?
Arbiter: We shall Force March so we can meet the 212th Legion to the East at the Appointed Time. I shall accept no Delays. We shall march until Our Feet Bleed.