The Battle of Muunilist! (Finale)

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The Muun command Tower was in A Panic knowing that the Y/n Empire was Moving in when suddenly the Roof Blew up and Fordo and his Arc Troopers moved in Blasting every soldier in sight, as you Jumped in as well, when the dust settled you appeared to put your Lightsaber to San Hll's Neck.

San Hill: Please spare Me, sir, I am just A Banker.

Y/n: That all depends on you and your unconditional Surrender.

Just then the sound of Rockets was heard as suddenly Durge flew in smashing through A Window when suddenly all of the Arc Troopers Began to gun him down as he slammed into the ground his Rockets Blowing up on him, and even An RPG was fired at him Blowing up even more as the continued fire left A Giant dust cloud.

There was A Silence for A Few moments when suddenly you felt signs of Life and A Giant arm made out of Flesh Began slapping everywhere Trooper away, as Durge revealed himself rapidly healing into A Giant Hulk of Muscles and Flesh!

Y/n: Holy Crap!!

Suddenly A Bunch of Ropes Began attaching to him as Arc Troopers Began shooting at him but he just swung his Body around throwing them off, you charged in to attack him but Durge began absorbing you into his Body his Muscles trying to Crush you as he Trapped you inside!

Fordo showing absolutely no Fear Just shot an electrical Blast from A Wrist Mounted device at Durge's head which annoyed him enough to charge at Fordo to try and Crush him but suddenly A Blast came from Inside him as His Body Began to rapidly expand and grow from A Force coming from the Inside, as something was forcing him to blow up from the inside out.

Durge: (Sad Whining noise)

He then Blew up his Insides splattering the walls, as you Took A Deep breath and Looked around.

Y/n: Huh, I made quite the Mess hadn't I?

Fordo: Yes, you did sir.

You then walked back to San Hill and smiled.

Y/n: Ready to surrender?

The Muun Leader Just gave up right there and then.

What you didn't notice was that Durge's flesh was slithering slowly away as if it was trying to reform.


The Entire Banking Clan Leaders were Taken in as Prisoners of war as they were loaded up in Transport ships and soon The Empire had acquired the riches and assets of the Banking clan including their Hailfire droids, and Billions in Credits including Gold and crystals.

You were standing in the Banking Clan headquarters surveying the Area when suddenly someone appeared.

Jack: So you conquered the Galaxy so quickly Huh? Neat.

Y/n: Huh? What are you doing here?

Jack: Just wanted to Congratulate you. The only empire now is the Chiss but I bet you can make quick work of them or even make them Allies. The only problem is that they fear everything outside of their Borders, but they do have some Fine Agents and Military leaders you can use.

Y/n: Really? Cool.

Jack: I also just wanted to tell you that You might want to explore outside of the Galaxy soon.

Y/n: Why?

Jack: Well there are Millions of other Earths with Millions of different possibilities in this Universe, so please be sure to explore Far outside of this Galaxy. Hyperspace technology should advance enough for you to do so soon. Now I Better go, I need to go and check up on My Fried Chicken. I'm Air Frying it. Much Healither.

You then Looked up into the Skies Knowing that Beyond those Stars are so Many Possibilities and it made you wonder what else could be out there.

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