Y/n L/n was an Unlucky guy when he got hit by A Bolt of Lightning sent by God but he gets another chance at Life as the OP God of His own empire and will expand his empire to other worlds meeting different Series with different women on different Pl...
The Master Chief had Gotten into One of the Hangars of the Expedition as he had Cortana began scanning the ship for the best way to get through when suddenly more Battle droids found him.
B1 Battle droid 1: Look It's some Kind of Super soldier!
B1 Battle droid 2: Oh No!! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!
The Master Chief then Began dodging as he Began Pumping them full of Led, but soon more reinforcements showed up in other droids and Small Walkers that were defending the Ship.
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The Master Chief was forced to dodge A Bunch of Attacks from Blaster Fire and even Cannon as he ran toward Cortana.
Master Chief: Cortana do you have the Map yet?
Cortana: I'm sorry but You'll have to buy me time. This Ship is literally as Big as 1/3 of A Small Moon. It'll take me A While.
Master Chief: Right. How about some explosions?
He then Threw A Grenade at the AT-DP's Legs and it blew up one of its Ball Join Legs as it toppled and Fell crushing some of the Battle droids!
The Droideka Mk II Began setting up their shields as Master Chief was able to shoot through them since he wasn't using Plasma Bolt Technology and he Blew those up as well, and then the last ones were the Guard droids as they had Light Cannons that gave out suppressive fire.
Master Chief: Cortana are you done?
Cortana: Um... Almost.
Master Chief: Good. Almost is All I really need.
The Master Chief then Loaded up his Gun with A Grenade and Launched it it landed right below the guard droid and blew it up from below!
Cortana: Alright I got the Map! Thankfully there is A system of Railways to help get us through.
Master Chief: Good Now Lets-
Y/n: HEY!
You stood Behind the Master Chief as you quickly Pulled out your Force Pike ready to fight.
Master Chief: Who are you?
Y/n: The Emperor and owner of this Ship.
Master Chief: Wait, Weren't you with the Covenant?
Y/n: The Whosey what now?
Master Chief: You Know these Religious Guys, who hate Humanity.
Y/n: Hm, Yeah I don't do any of that.
Master Chief: We May have come to A Misunderstanding. Cortana, contact the Admiral and tell him to stop the Attack.
Cortana: Right, Got it!
Y/n: (Talks through communicator) Thrawn stop the Pincir Attack! We might come to A Peaceful solution.
Thrawn: Are you sure sir?
Y/n: (Talks through communicator) Yes, I am sure. Hold back until I say.
Thrawn: Right. Hold back to the attack!
Y/n: So Religious Zealots Huh? Mind If I kick their collective Asses?