War Against the Gravitals!/ The Astromorphs!

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There was A Race inside of this Galaxy which was Known as the Ruin Haunters and they had left the technology of their Human Ancestors and so they always believed they were the True Inheritors of the Ancient empires that their ancestors left behind and the galaxy as A Whole, willing to wage A Galactic war over it.

They were known simply as the Gravitals.

Soon A Battle was Taken on their Homeworlds do the Empire was forced to Act quickly to counter their eventual Grand Invasion

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Soon A Battle was Taken on their Homeworlds do the Empire was forced to Act quickly to counter their eventual Grand Invasion.

The Battle was quickly A Bloody one for both sides!

The Battle was Taking Place inside the Capital of the Gravital Homeworld as Troopers, Battle droids, Aliens, and even Bugs were deployed against them, but with the Gravital's Gravity rays and technology, they proved to be A Challenge to Kill.

Y/n: All of you Lets Move! Come on! Battle droids to the front, Troopers to the back! Air Support bomb their Buildings!

Trooper: Sir, We're pushing towards their Main Building.

Y/n: Good be Weary of Gravity-based weaponry.

Trooper: Yes, Sir.

You then charged up A Small Ball in your Finger and Fired it at A Huge Gravital Turret Placement and Blew it sending charred bits of metal and the flesh of Gravitals flying everywhere!

The War was quick and short as you wiped out all resistance from the Metalic so Called Gods, and they were put under enslavement and many were forced to work as Scientists and soldiers for the empire.

Of course, there was one Final Group who watched everything you did, as they were the Last of the True Humans this Galaxy had to offer, and you were Brought to their Rouge Home Planet with no Gravity whatsoever in deep space.

Y/n: So... Nice Place Huh?

Astromorph: This has been Our Home for Millions of Years. We have used it to escape the Qu when Human civilization was at its Highest.

 We have used it to escape the Qu when Human civilization was at its Highest

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Y/n: Huh, Neat.

Astromorph: You Must watch out for the Qu, they are Rogue self-proclaimed Gods who deem themselves to change life to see how they see it and had wiped out all of Humanity changing them to whatever they want Millions of years ago. They are Piedous Travelers who Punished us for changing ourselves and the more A World defied the more Horrificly they were altered into something different entirely.

The Astromorph then took you to An Organic Machine by grabbing your hand using his Farts as A Form of Jet Propulsion. The Organic computer was from A race of antelope-like Creatures they Picked up from A World that had Great Knowledge and traveled across their world crying their woes about how they were doomed to be this way so they Picked them up and turned them all into Organic supercomputers. They call them Processors.

The Processor then told you the Entire History of the Astromorphs and how the Qu had essentially wiped all of humanity in this galaxy to stake their names as Gods and did some horrific I have no Mouth and I Must scream stuff to them before leaving...

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The Processor then told you the Entire History of the Astromorphs and how the Qu had essentially wiped all of humanity in this galaxy to stake their names as Gods and did some horrific I have no Mouth and I Must scream stuff to them before leaving to do another round across the Galaxy.

Astromorph: They are coming soon. What is your Next Move?

Y/n: Well, I'll tell you what it is. They better start preordering their Grave Plots because this will be A Genocide.

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