Shut down that Brain Bug!

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Soon the 501st and 212th Legion all Gathered at one Point and it was quickly realized that the Arachnids were Hiding something underneath the Cave Underneath them, it Must be very important, so they called in the Arc Troopers.

Soon A LAAT Gunship as Captain Fordo got dropped off with Alpha 17 and A Bunch of other Clone Troopers.

Including some of the Heavy Artillery.

Including some of the Heavy Artillery

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Alpha 17: It's your Move Sir.

Fordo: Keep the Gunship to Hold any Arachnid reinforcements back if they and save whatever is in there.

The Gunship then flew up into the Air and saw A Large Detatchment of Warrior Bugs running over trying to save their Important thing the Gunship fired it's Rapid fire Blaster cannons tearing them to shreds and Proton rockets were fired as well as blowing them up.

The Arc Troopers meanwhile began to walk through the deep, dark, Underground Catacombs of the cave system only to see A Small Horde of Warrior Bugs taking A Defensive Position, as Suddenly A Massive, fat bug was Pulled out of A Hole by A Bunch of Smaller Chariot Bugs, and the Fat Bug used some Psychic Pressure which made the Troopers feel light-headed.

Alpha 17: What is that thing?

Fordo: It Must be their Strategist, Their General. The Brain Bug.

Fordo then Began Giving out A Bunch of Hand Signals as all of the Arc Troopers split up and they all began to get into Position

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Fordo then Began Giving out A Bunch of Hand Signals as all of the Arc Troopers split up and they all began to get into Position.

The Brain bug then Began to unleash even more Psychic pressure when Fordo gave the Signal and suddenly A Rain of fire was shot at the Warrior Bugs Killing them all, as the Chariot bugs scurried and quickly ran away leaving their Leader Behind and Fordo walked out Pointing one of his Pistols at It's Fat Face.

Fordo: Looks Like You're surrounded Bug.


Everyone had then arrived as they used an AT-Te to Drag the Brain Bug out Like A Pack Mule and soon The Brain Bug was shown to the outside light of the Martian Sun!

The Arbiter walked over as he examined the Brain Bug and it flinched at his Touch fearing for its very Life, as the Arbiter Just smiled.

Arbiter: He is Afraid of Us! We have their Leader!

Everyone then Began to Cheer as Mars was Finally Taken back from the Bugs but of course, across the Galaxy, There are Far more Campaigns across the Galaxy To Take back what the Arachnids stole!

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