Y/n L/n was an Unlucky guy when he got hit by A Bolt of Lightning sent by God but he gets another chance at Life as the OP God of His own empire and will expand his empire to other worlds meeting different Series with different women on different Pl...
An Invasion Fleet was sent to the Halo Factory as The Covenant Fleet was quickly destroyed and soon You were in A LAAT with Master Chief, Cortana, and even A Former Covenant Member known as the Arbiter.
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Arbiter: I can not wait to feel Truth's Throat Wrung around my Hands.
Master Chief: Me too. Cortana are we almost there?
Cortana: Almost, The Cannons are Protecting his positon.
Y/n: I'll handle that. Pilot get us Closer!
Clone Pilot: Sir, Yes Sir!
You all then Landed and all three of you then quickly began to run in as Thankfully Truth hadn't even activated the Factory and he was also heavily infected by the Flood.
Truth: A-Arbiter? What are you doing here?
Arbiter: I am here to End you.
Truth: Heh, Your... Too... Late... The Flood had... It got to me... First.
Arbiter: I can still End it.
He then took his Blades and Impaled Truth through the Chest Ending him.
Y/n: You feel better about that?
Arbiter: I do.
Y/n: Well all we have to do is Blow this place up and-
Just then Huge Tendrils came out of the Ground consuming the place and knocking all of you out!
???: Kid! Kid! Kid! Kid wake up!
Y/n: Huh? Chief?
Chief: Kid, We're Trapped.
Y/n: What do you- WHAT THE SHIT IS THAT!?
Gravemind: I am the Momument of your sins.
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Y/n: No I asked what you are, Dumbass.
Gravemind: I am the Gravemind, The Greatest of all Flood Creations.
You then Began to try and read his Mind but you felt thousands of people including Truth screaming in Horror and Pain in One!
Y/n: Jesus, that's so dark.
Gravemind: You shall not (Shudders) Exterminate Us. We shall Grow, spread, and infect the entire Universe.
You then Began saying Exterminate in every Fashion you could Like SpongeBob after one too many Goofy goober sunrises until the Gravemind has had enough.
Gravemind: SILENCE!!! I Am Far more intelligent than you, I have thought of every day that you could possibly kill me. You have no Plans. Besides I have A Bargaining Chip.
He held Arbiter by The Leg with A Small Tendril.
Gravemind: You have no Options.
Y/n: Hehehehe, Kill you? No. I plan to Erase you. Hakai!!
It was Erased from existence altogether as you were dropped.
Master Chief: Nice Job kid.
Y/n: Thanks.
Of course, the Final Blow was live-streamed across the Galaxy and of course, every Member and former member of the Covenant from Grunts, To Elites, To Hunters, to Jackals, all saw it.
Convenant: Did you see that He Just Erased it from Existence!?/ He's A God!/ He is the True God! He is our True Religion!/ Praise Lord Y/n!/ LORD Y/N! LORD Y/N! LORD Y/N!
Arbiter: Hm.
He then Kneeled down.
Arbiter: I suppose you shall be our new Leader. What shall be your order.?
Y/n: Pack up, we're done Conquering half of this Galaxy. We're moving onto the Next Galaxy.