Y/n L/n was an Unlucky guy when he got hit by A Bolt of Lightning sent by God but he gets another chance at Life as the OP God of His own empire and will expand his empire to other worlds meeting different Series with different women on different Pl...
Soon after Destroying the enemy empire you ended up conquering their world in its entirety preventing A World War from Happening and A Possible World War 2 as well. You had brought Peace and Prosperity to that Earth and of course, some things had to be done.
Y/n: Tanya Degurechaff please step forward.
You sat on your Golden Throne in your Temple of A Home as Tanya stepped forward and got down to her knees. You took your Crucible blade and Began touching her shoulders as if you were Knighting her.
Y/n: Tanya Degurechaff, I shall Knight you as the Head of my Military division known as the Death Korps of Krieg, as your Military Excellence, Magical Abilities, and Powers Make you the perfect Candidate for this Position.
Tanya: (Blushing) Thank you, my Emperor.
Y/n: Good, And Viktoriya Serebyrakov shall serve as your second in Command.
Tanya: Of course.
Y/n: Good, Now meet me in my quarters in 30 Minutes. I shall speak to you there.
30 Minutes Later...
You were in your Living chambers Just Making yourself A Lemonade-Soda Mix when Tanya and Viktoriya walked in.
Y/n: Tanya, Viktoriya, the People I wanted to see. Please come in.
Viktoriya: (Blushing/Thoughts) W-Wow for A God emperor he really is Cute.
Tanya: What do you want?
Y/n: Now I thought you knew better. You can't talk before Drinks. Anything you guys want?
Viktoriya: A Chocolate Drink.
Tanya: Carbonated Water.
Viktoriya then Gave her A Puzzled Look.
Tanya: I'm trying to go on A Clense considering what Happened.
Y/n: Gotch'ya Both.
You then made them both their preferred drinks as you handed them both to them.
Y/n: So I had been wondering something. On top of The whole Military relationship we could have A Bit of A... How you say, a Personal relationship.
Tanya: (Blushing) Eh!?
Viktoriya: (Blushing) Y-You're not serious are you?
Y/n: I am, Tanya is the cutest Little adult I've ever seen, Next to A Certain Loli Anime Mom, and Viktoriya you Just have the best most expressive Huge eyes I've ever seen.
Viktoriya: (Blushing) T-Thank you for Noticing.
Tanya: (Blushing) Look I don't have to take this Kind of shit from you, You- Eh?
You Just Began ruffling her hair as you smiled.
Y/n: Aww, so Cute!
Tanya: (Blushing) S-Silence your Mouth!
Y/n: Aww!
Viktoriya: (Blushing) Sir, You really need to calm down.
Resistance was Building up on Tanya's Earth as some People were Against the new change in Power and A Woman Looked at A Picture of Tanya with disdain.
???: You Bitch, You Immediately Turned Tail when it suited you and you Joined that bastard. I will have my Revenge, and Avenge my Father. The Man you Killed so Brutally and stole his Gun.
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