Y/n L/n was an Unlucky guy when he got hit by A Bolt of Lightning sent by God but he gets another chance at Life as the OP God of His own empire and will expand his empire to other worlds meeting different Series with different women on different Pl...
Soon On One of Courascant's Moons, you had established A New Home using the same Crystals that made up Usagi's Kingdom, and you made an Entire city out of you.
Beforehand, you had cored out the Moon leaving only Massive Miles high Stone Columns holding everything up carved out from the Bedrock. The moon-sized City on the surface was accompanied by Millions of Kilometers Of Farmland underneath and your personal city.
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You stood outside on one of the Balconies of your Castle Looking over the Massive city around you as you smiled.
Y/n: Ah, this is the Life~ A Whole Moon to be my Personal Royal Home with Billions of People down there working on my Crops, waterways, and Roads. This is Amazing.
Usagi then walked ip Behind you and Begun Hugging you,
Usagi: Hey Love Honey~
Y/n: Hey Moon Bunny~
You two then Kissed.
Y/n: How is Chibiusa doing?
Usagi: Oh She's being Babysat by some of the Marines.
Chibiusa was being Babysat by A Marine as he was teaching her something with A Doll.
Space Marine: Now you need to twist the Neck around 180 Degrees until you hear A Loud Popping Noise.
He then snaps the doll's head causing stuffing to Pop out.
Chibiusa: Of course! Good Advice!
Back with you...
Usagi: Honey I feel like you need to Take A Break. I mean your Conquering so Much not Including that Excursion through like 4 Galaxies conquering the Native Raced and adding them to your empire.
Y/n: I Know I'm like Xerces the Persian God King.
Usagi: Who?
You then began rubbing her head sweetly.
Y/n: You're Brain ain't right but your fun.
Usagi: (Blushing) H-Hey...
Y/n: But God Gave me this Universe and this Universe is my Birthright! This Infinite Universe shall forever be my empire! I am Immortal so I shall conquer forever If I Must!
Usagi: Oh You Sound amazing with so Much Conviction~
Y/n: Thanks. This Empire does Take A Lot out of me.
Usagi: Right, So You want to spend them with me~?
Y/n: Oh I get what you're saying~
You then quickly ran inside.
Y/n: I'll Get the Board games!
Usagi Just smiled at your Innocence.
Usagi: Sometimes It's Hard to believe he rules all of this.
She then walked inside to Play some Games with you.