Apple cider

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Me and Vance have been best friends for sometime now and my feelings have been growing for even longer I used to think there was no hope but as of late he's seemingly given me hints? Weird right thinking "tough" guy Vance hopper likes me back. But sometimes I catch him staring at me an awful lot which makes me very very nervous. Has he not realized those blue eyes are scary as shit? He's become nicer to me less pushing me around and poking fun at me for the stupidest little things. He's become more touchy he used to hate hugs I gave him every time he used to trip me and I'd fall right on my ass, hence the reason I stopped. but he's tried with little things complimenting my hair and touching it grabbing my arm to "take me somewhere" when we literally barely moved but his hand is still resting there And lastly he's asked me who my crush was multiple times in the last month or so. he always try's to be smooth with it but it never works I can see right through him.

Or maybe he can see right through me when I started buying the yellow and blue color that he said looked  cool on me even though those aren't my favorite colors  and how I blame it on the fact that it's summer and I change my color palette every season which is complete bs. Or how I started purchasing fruit punch when I said I hated it and didn't trust the red dye or the soda in it when in reality its because he smelt like it since he drunk it so much.  Or when I brought I new sweater that wasn't comfortable to me but he tried it on and said he liked it and I haven't taken it off since.

We both love apple cider so we go and get some from grab n go before our midnight talks we love those too especially because that's about the time  his dad starts going ballistic. We also have a similar love for walking it takes our mind off of things and combine the two ? You'll  have us there looking like suspicious people walking around at 12am giggling like psychopaths and sometimes running around like animals. Then we just stroll  to catch a breath and suddenly for the first time ever he grabbed my hand in the middle of  one of my loopy late night talks; this time being about how "aliens are totally real but they are not gonna come for a long time cause they think we are slow" he stopped my ranting it cut off completely and my feet felt like they were woven into the ground and he just responded so casually with " what weirdo why'd you stop?" And I felt my face flush I had to remember where I left off and that whole night we walked around hand in hand chatting.

The next day summers about to end oh so sadly and instead of sitting with Vance at his I'm sorry to say time consuming and mildly stupid game of pinball I'm going to the park with finney and Bruce to learn how to play baseball even though I'm not sporty at all. We're walking and talking and I hear a groan "y/n ! Every time we change the subject you find a way to make it about Vance! I love you but please talk about something else" Bruce says looking a little annoyed. "I'm sorry y/n but you do talk about him a lot are you ever gonna tell him?" Finney says looking a lot more empathetic with her as he also have talked her ear off about Donna and eventually about robin too "tell him what ?" She asked a little clueless as to how they might've found out. They groan in response and she looks shocked "is it really that obvious?" She says now aware of her condition "YES" finney says "painfully obvious" Bruce returns. "Fuck, it's not even like I like him that much y'all are dramatic" she says with worry written all over her. They both roll they're eyes in response.

after they're little hangout they drop her off first and Vance is waiting there looks like he's been for a little while. Finney smirks at her and Bruce looks relieved seeing as she had been stressing almost the whole hangout on if he knew or not. "We'll see ya y/n" finney says lightly pushing her towards him and walking the opposite way with Bruce. "See ya" she says lightly before walking torward an aggravated looking Vance.

"Hey" she says casually trying to figure him out cause she's never seen him look this way before almost upset? But not in an angry I'm About to rage way like usual he just looks upset. "You've been hanging out with them all day huh?" He questions her sounding just a tad hurt "no we left at 3 it's only 6 now" he rolls his eyes before huffing out a laugh of aggravation "why didn't you tell me I was... nevermind" she looked confused by his reaction "you was what we hung out from 12-4am I called you at 1pm when I woke up your acting like we haven't talked all day" he looks a little embarrassed "I know it's just you- whatever"
She is now starting to get a little mad from this "your not my only friend Vance " that's seemed to tug a cord in him as he shouts back "your MY only friend" before walking away "I dont understand what'd I do ?" She shouts at him but instead he just sticks his middle finger up not looking back once.

The rest of the night was boring she watched tv called Donna watched more tv ate dinner and went to sleep early? Weird right after going to sleep this whole summer from 12-7am and waking up from 12-5pm she went to sleep at a outstanding 10:00pm ? And middle of the night her Vance senses tingled and she woke up at 1:00 am at this time they would be probably in the process of walking from grab n go and probably somewhere close to robins
House she mentally calculated as she realizes how pathetic that was and how pathetic it was that she already missed him so.. she called him

Vance's night was about the same except for the calling a friend part he dialed one of his "pinball bro's" but they didn't answer and considered calling y/n when it hit 12 but decided against it falling asleep with a cup of fruit punch in his hand. The house phone ringed which scared him and made him spill the sticky drink on himself he was now enraged his whole day had been bad he couldn't beat his high score his "friend" was mad at him for good reason and now he has sticky soda on him and the couch that he has to get the stain out of before his dad came home from his over time work shift. "Fucking fantastic" he says before slamming the drink on the table and answering the phone with a "WHAT" sounding rather aggressive "hey Vance" he hears in return a soft spoken voice "oh what the fuck do you want y/n?" His tone slightly changing "uhm this is impulsive as shit and Ik I'm gonna regret this tomorrow but im under the influence of my mildly warm leftover apple cider from the other night and I wanted to tell you that ... I like you Vance a lot for a long time and it's quite embarrassing so if you like me back then come to my house tomorrow and we could talk about how we don't like each other that much?"  She sighs and he responds smiling through his words " let's give this a try?" smiling brightly she responds "okay".

They would definitely be meeting tomorrow and He'll bring some apple cider while she already brought him some fruit punch.

I've noticed that I've only been writing the songs for Laufey and bea like I'd don't  listen to other music I think it's because they have extremely good love songs that's easy to include in your writing not too hard to work with. But I'll try to expand. Also this is my fav bea song and I feel like I've been writing Vance too nice ? Enemies to lover next time? Also I'm gonna be honest I don't totally put much work into grammar or punctuation mistakes cause I am writing this for fun but if it's really bad correct me. Thank you for reading hope you have a great days and to whoever happy birthdays

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