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i fucking hate Valentine's Day
I've hated you sense last year when everybody kissed and gifted and he wasn't there to
I hate you now sense he still isn't here and I still haven't moved on

I know naïve thinking that he's still here it's been since September 23rd I remember I waited and waited and waited we were supposed to make it through the first day together he was supposed to be there. But he wasn't, he's supposed to be here but he isn't. Walking through the halls alone people I still barely know give me those stupid ass looks of pity. It happens a lot Vance being the third you'd think they'd start taking it seriously after the second sweet boy went missing but no. Now he's gone and Bruce is too. like they constantly frown when they see poor miss stag's house,when they continuously over flow miss showalter in condolences, or when adults constantly ask poor Amy yamada if she misses her brother, I too get all of these. I ignore them because I'm waiting for the day he walks through the classroom doors and sits down. maybe he was staying with some family out of town and didn't want to tell me ? Maybe maybe maybe is what my head repeats constantly. Even on happy days a random maybe will pop in "maybe if I tied my shoe that day he wouldn't have disappeared" even the stupid ones. Only one of my maybes was put to rest when I went to Vance's uncle house he's so weird just like Vance's dad looks the same too being in his house made me repulsed and he claimed he wasn't there so I brushed it off. Trying to question Vance's horrendous dad who didn't care at all Vance was gone wouldn't work he had publicly stated "I'm glad the annoying fucker is gone" while the mom stayed quiet as she does not even a tear just her usual look of despair.

And today is no different I nibble on my heart shaped dark chocolate and hold in my hand five small gift bags me and my friends always celebrated valentines together even more since he... so I got them something different since I don't like doing the same thing I found cute ideas and put they're favorite candys in them like normal. We planned on trading them off at the end second block when we see each other. I pushed my way through first block and second at the end we finally trade gifts they all hug me . Joy looks at me disappointed holding her dark blue haired girlfriends hand suddenly she says "girl you gotta stop this" grabbing the dark chocolate out of my hand. The girls now begin there sad stares "can we trade gifts now between joy with that skate board that you had on hold for all that time and Clara's star shaped mirror that she also had on hold for a tremendous amount of time ! plus 'galentines' and Christmas has my pockets dry so y'all better like it" they all laugh at me before we start trading our gifts I decided that if I opened it now I'd only loose the stuff so might as well wait.  During lunch we all make plans to see a movie after school in honor of Valentine's Day which I agreed to.

We went our separate ways for dismissal since the movie wouldn't start for a couple of hours from now and on my walk home I decided to walk around the neighborhood. Usually I'm suspicious of this kinda thing and go straight home but "the grabber" doesn't want girls anyways,And I know how to protect myself. As I'm walking I see and odd black van round the corner... weird I thought. Then I saw it again and at this point I had a feeling it wasn't a good thing so I started walking back towards the school surely people are still hanging there. I saw the black van again stop in front of a boy who looked familiar  "oh hell no" I mumbled I guess he didn't see me cause instead of causing a scene I decided to sneak behind his truck I went the smart way being loud might get me taken too then no one will find him.. for a while at least I snuck my camera out of my pocket book taking pictures of the plates how the back of the truck looked and -wait is that VANCES UNCLE !? And he's currently spraying an odd substance in... ROBINS MOUTH!?

I instantly took a quick photo of that truly disturbing sight putting the camera in my bag praying they'd be good. taking out my gigantic history book creeping around the truck where he couldn't see me. I started beating him with all my might on his head I felt tears streaming down my face as I continued and didn't stop till he was on the ground and out like a light. I sniffled mumbling "that's what you get for taking these boys and for being weird to Vance and taking him too" I then took my shoe lace out of my converse harshly tying his feet together with it. Picking up robin with the weird stuff coming out of his mouth I tried to carry the boy who was a smaller than me and definitely heavier to the near by house which I noticed as ... mrs showalters ? I banged on her door still trying to hold the slouched boy up and she opened the door slightly concerned and when I saw her more tears fell "call police now please i-i found him I found-" she cut me off by pulling me in and helping me get robin on the couch sitting me down she ran to the kitchen to call 911 as she watched him through the window.

Have you ever felt someones heart crack it's like your watching them and you can feel it. I know that's how she felt when she saw the man who possibly could have taken her dear son from her and I felt it. When I saw her come out the room I noticed and actually noticed her appearance she looked scrambled, tired and sad seeing a lady who had such a proud and bright face next to her son with the exact same one and now seeing her beam has dimmed and that she just saw the man responsible for missing son out the window made me cry more. I hugged her and she stayed tough I knew that she was being a mother hiding her feelings and she hugged me tightly back. When the sirens blared and the paramedics came in to get the passed out boy.

The rest was a blur they took me to the station and I just remembered seeing my mom and dad together looking worried I continued to cry I cried on and off for a bit about everything all the tears I didnt cry when he first got taken and all the tears I still didn't cry thinking about him and our dates together, late at night thinking about his pain all of they're pain.  I cried in the corner and my parent could only watch I was inconsolable. When i went to the bathroom I came back now feeling better I got it all out. I dug in my bag taking out my camera because I knew they would probably want more sound evidence for a search warrant or what not. I came in with my film and told them "develop it I'm not sure if the photos are good but I know I took some" they took the film and told me they would add it to the evidence but they already went into his home and there was nothing but a basement that held a boy I felt my heart fall from my chest "what... boy ?"  I say desperately "Vance hopper and Bruce yamada I heard you were dating that Vance kid? We couldn't tell you through your uhm crying but he's in the hospital and we need you to do a report then your free to go see him, your a hero kid."  One of the police men tells me standing up to guide me into the room for my statement. I felt relieved there was no more tears for me to cry but I was more than over joyed i mean he might be seriously hurt but he's alive and that's a good thing. Then I thought about all the things he's already done to Vance and to the other boys how sick he must have been. I felt nauseous remembering his face.

After filling my report I asked him "where are the other two ?" They looked at me shaking they're heads "they have yet to be found we have to run his name in the system see if he has any other things he owns but we are not sure." I look at them my eyebrows furrowing "across the street I remember Vance telling me his uncle had an house across the street Vance told me he said 'I'm saving the house for your father when he finally leaves you and your whore mother'." They frown at what I said but jumped on it alerting the other officers "I'm glad you told us before you left young lady, go see your boyfriend it's valentines" he said grabbing his jacket and signaling me to follow him out the room he walks me to my parents "have a good day mrs and mr y/l/n" he walks fastly away to go tell more officers. my parents take me to the hospital to see him. When we arrived my legs moved fast and I hurried to him moving fatsly past the reporters on this case I walked in a begged to see him they can tell I was out of it and the tv showed the news that I'm guessing had me on it for helping the case or whatnot. "Uhm yeah sure , Vance hopper room 111" I smile in relief huffing out a thank you before my legs quickly take me there. My feet are at the door and my hand is shaking as I waited and waited and waited to allow myself to open the door. maybes once again flood, You'd think they'd stop right ? "Maybe he doesn't want to see me , maybe he wants to be alone may-" my mom cut me off "maybe your boyfriend needs you right now. Stop being stupid and get in there" she says pushing me to the door. I open it walking in and I see Vance.

He's sitting there still looking as glorious as when I first met him despite all the dirt that covers him his faded clothes is replaced by the hospital dress he has stitched up cuts and Bandaids covering his face and arms he's wide open watching the news. He was always an night owl, day sleeper it was hard keeping him up when we did hangout over the summer. "Hey" I croak out and he snaps his head to me. Guessing it could have been because he was still scared or maybe he's still as guarded as he used to be. I see his eyes widen and he starts crying he turns away from me as he chokes out sobs and I run to him wrapping my arms around him not too tight so I wouldn't harm him more. I didn't say anything I was never good at words and he never took them. Even though his hair was overly dirty and wreaked of unknown things I ignored it instead my nose smelling his cheap cologne which still somehow lingered on him to me. I bend down while he's hunched over sniffling and I dig in my bag I take out a decorated jar I made it was filled with dark chocolate and it had "to Vance" on it. "Don't call me delusional but I still made you a valentine yesterday even though we only spent the summer together and never got to spend our first Valentine's Day together." And I saw him crack a small smile of adoration at me and for the first time in forever I heard him speak.
"I love you"
I felt my heart combust and it turned out that I fucking loved Valentine's Day

Oh I forgot to say I'm the other hope you have a good day ! And to whoever happy birthday 🎉

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