Sweet Treats

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"I'm the sweetest girl in town so why are you so mean?"

I was known as the towns sweet girl. I mean maybe it was because I always try to be kind to everybody, or maybe it was because my mom and dad owned the towns most famous sweets store and ice cream truck. We've lived in this town since I was born and my family decided to start the shop when I had finally grown to be two the reason being because i only wanted to eat sweet treats (seriously not a thing salty). And every since I was old enough I'd ride around with my dad after school in the ice cream truck helping to promote, sell, and be the adorable kid with the tutu that people loved to see at the truck. That was until I got older when the guys that used to come with they're kids and "aww" at me in adoration turned into an "wow you've grown up fast" trying to peek under my skirt when I bent to grab they're ice cream. I kinda got replaced at 11 when my baby brother came, now he does the trucks with dad and I do the stores with mom which isn't half bad. I guess this business has stuck with me because even in public or at school I can't drop the customer service voice which I get made fun for, Especially by this group of boys.

"Hey cherry pop what's on the menu today? We wanna see your goody bag!" This one guy name jake shouts a smug smile on his face that somehow girls like? "Yeah you should show us!" Another one of his other friend shouts from behind me "we're in class you nasty freaks do your work" I respond turning around in my seat already fed up. "Oh right teachers pet has to do her work or her parents won't be able to show her off, Right baby girl?" The boys laugh as They always go back to talking about the fact that I have good grades and I'm a pushover and I'm just my parents little doll, which I'm not denying any of it but apparently in high school it's not cool to love your parents or actually want a future.

"Suck off!" Me and the popular girl say at the same time her just walking back into class. Jenny was her name aka my best friend, I never had many but Jenny was hard to not love. She has straight A's she's in the loop she's inclusive and friends with all people she is not just cute she is beautiful by everyone who sees her and she never seems to be in a bad mood. Whenever she's around everyone talks to me kind of respects me it's nice but without her I'm just the sweet girl, the cute girl whose a goody two shoes. That's not her fault though and I'm glad she defends me when I can't manage the words. "Leave them alone" Vance silences them I mean of course he is everyone's scared of him! They follow him around like goons though he may not think of them as friends he's all they got. "Thank you" I nod to both of them for helping me "no problem girl" Jenny smiles at me. "Whatever happen to doing your work dork ?" Vance calls me reminding who he is again "right" I roll my eyes turning back around in my seat and finally starting my math worksheet.

When the bell rings for math me and Jenny exit the school and start walking to the shop. When we finally arrive after a good 10 mins of walking we greet my mom "hey ma" I greet giving her a hug "hello mother" Jenny says jokingly making my mom smile and hit her shoulder jokingly "you guys ready to start working, you know traffic time can get rough" my mom feints a warning, she always called after school and majorly Friday's/Saturdays traffic because that's when the kids start to come in wanting they're of sweets and they could get real bitter if they don't get it. Me and Jenny make our way over to the register so I can ring up the stuff and she could bag it, my mom used to always groan at how we make everything a two man job but now she doesn't care much. Mom goes to the bakery area to pack goods over there and kind of be a second counter, we always switch after a little while so I could be interesting. The first ding we hear a cute little ginger girl comes waddling holding the finger of an older man with a scary expression. "Awww she's so cute" I gasp at my friend "yeah she totally is... I wonder if she needs a step mom..." my friend jokes making me shush her while giggling. When I look up that same man appears in my face his expression looking colder. "Just these" he holds up a bag of Spider-Man loli pops while the little girl smiles up at us. I ring it up quietly passing it to my friend who is about to burst out laughing. She bags it and manages out a weak "have a good day sir" he gives her a strange look before passing the bag to the little ginger and exiting the store. By then me and my friend can't stop bawling as my mom asks us what's wrong in confusion.

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