Best friends 4 ever

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"That party was epic"

I state through a yawn body still glued to Donna's mattress. I feel something on my neck and when I looked down I see feet. "Gross!" I shoot up yanking the sleeping girls foot off me. Above me is Gwen knocked out in her overalls, we were so tired last night we literally all crashed out on the bed. "Tell me about it! This morning I woke up with Gwen's foot in my back" I look down to see donna already up folding the last of the clothes she took out her closet yesterday. "despite all the girl is STILL sleeping!" I exclaim annoyed. I have an Idea come to mind and when I turn to Donna sitting on her floor she seems to have the same expression.

"GWENDOLYN BLAKE!" Donna yells clashing her set of pans together "GET UPPPPPPPP" I scream also clashing my pot with a metal spoon. She shoots up scared at the ruckus before me and Donna laugh at her confused figure. "DUDE!" Gwen exclaims looking slightly pissed realizing it was just us. "Priceless !" Donna says through her laugh. Gwen pouts before looking like she remembered something. "Hey guys where did I fall asleep last night, my back aches?"  Me and Donna turn to smirk at each other before looking back at Gwen "we found you slumped in a corner" Donna says as calm as she could making Gwen nod "right next to griffin!" I say making her scream "REALLY!?" Donna nods her head continuously laughing. "Gwenny and griffin sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i -n-g" i say taunting her "I DIDNT- finneys gonna kill me"

Me and Donna slowly look at eachother and back to Gwen stoping our antics."yeahhhhh" I say cautiously "atleast it's summer! Your dad doesn't really care if you stay at my house for a little longer" Donna says trying to comfort Gwen before she plumps back down on the bed."soooo Gwen we wanted to know, do you like him?" I ask trying to change the convo and get the tea we deserve. Gwen halts, hands that was going to rest on her forehead in mid air she's silent as a mouse face turning pink.  "Gwennnn answer uss!" Donna teases while Gwen's hands now smack her face hiding in her palms.

We never got an answer.

After all taking showers and getting ready every time we asked Gwen about the situation she changed the subject 😐 but while I was doing Donna's eyeliner and trying to spark back up the conversation about griffin it back fired in my face. I was finishing my sentence asking her if "griffins book was interesting" me and Donna giggling, as I do so she has a smirk on her face like I've never seen before. "Oh yeah? How was you and Vance's hug? Was his big muscular arms nice?" She starts giggling making me and Donna go silent, then Donna starts laughing harder than ever grabbing her stomach. "I-HE-WE DIDNT- YOU WERE SLEEP!!" I say embarrassed turning away from Donna and Gwen's humored faces. "You think I wasn't gonna wake up when I felt someone pick me up! I thought Vance was a grown man like the grabber..."  she says with a fein scared face. "Makes sense" Donna shrugs in understanding her view. "WELL DONNA THATS WHY YOU GOT JUICE SPILLED ON YOU!" I try to argue back. Donna shrieks offended "YEAH YOUR NOT OUTTA THIS" Gwen  adds in "and guess what? I GOT PHOTOS!"  I say making me and Gwen start laughing at her. Remembering her at the party she was miserable and spent atleast an hour is Bruce's bathroom trying to get the stickiness off her. "And we didn't  fail to notice YOU AND FINNEY"  Gwen continues making Donna now embarrassed. "What was so interesting he said that had you staring at him like a present on Christmas Day?" I tease her more making her smile and shake her head. "And what's this Bruce's shirt mmm" Gwen holds up the shirt Bruce let her borrow being a forest green color with stripes on the shoulder. "HEY! I COULDN'T WALK AROUND IN FRUIT PUNCH ALL NIGHT" Donna defends quickly. "Just saying" I shrug. "I guess we've all done things last night" Gwen admits making us shake our heads in agreement.

After we're finally done with our morning *it's 12pm* we head back over to Bruce's house. "Hello boys" I say when we walk in seeing them half awake still in they're Jammie's cleaning up the party remains. "Mornin" Vance shows up beside muttering in almost a whisper. "It's not morning anymore Vance" I turn to him showing the watch that obviously read '12:32" he smirks looking down at the watch before looking back at me "alright smarty pants" he says walking away. When he does I notice half of the people on the room staring at us. The eyes I feel most being Donna and Gwen a smirk same as Vance's playing on their faces. "The tension is all there" Billy speaks out again randomly making us all giggle.

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