Spiders and centipedes

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The buzz of the cartoons ring through Vance's house as we watch. Radio silence, comfortable silence which is better than nothing. We lay crossed over eachother hands touching but not yet holding. "This channel is boring" I finally admit. the giggling at the cartoon stopped a little bit ago and now we were mindlessly watching. "Change it then" he says and I can tell that he's getting drowsy. I lean across him unwrapping the remote from his hand "why are your hands always so sticky" he almost playfully wipes his hand on his shirt. I gasp at him before trying to playfully trying to hit his stomachs instead missing.  hitting the popcorn bag hiding between us, it spills popcorn out on the couch and I frown looking down at the scene. "Your like a spider always making a mess" "how does I spider resonate with being messy ?" I ask him confused "spiders leave those sticky webs around that you have to keep cleaning" he says proudly thinking he's came up with something "well then your like a centipede all weird looking" I point back at him.

Eventually he falls asleep head resting on my shoulder and snoring while I stare, more like admire. It's so hard to tell if he's playing or if he's serious, if it's banter or if it's joking. I know that he likes to talk in codes sometimes I can read how he feels but I wish he would just tell me. Sometimes when he's laughing at the things we say I just want to tell him, spill out all of the adoration I feel inside for him but I can't ruin it. I can't ruin what is already there if it's too good to be true. I know he will run and avoid if he doesn't instantly feel the same, He hides from even himself. But it's time to turn a new leaf. Like the ones outside never afraid to change from green to unknown but in the end it will slowly turn brown and fade into the earth. That's what I have to do change from staying in the green zone to something which I don't know before the end comes.

We wake up at 12 the Saturdays morning sun shining on me as I blink out exhaustion . When I do I find Vance still laying closer he's not snoring anymore and I can tell he's up by the tv playing and his back moving up and down taking breaths. "Good morning" I groan out still adjusting to the sudden light. "Damn you sound like a man" he points out bluntly "wow I didn't notice" I sass back before pulling him off me so I can get up to use the bathroom. When i get back he's already in the kitchen "apple cider?" He asks and I know that if I was home I wouldn't be drinking it so early but I agree anyway. He pours my cup and passes it to me "for the lady" he says voice deeper than usual making me blush. "I'm sure you want to go home and take a shower but we still on today?" He asks to reassure "yeah you'll walk me?" I confirm as he groans "fine but you have to wait till I get ready because I already know by the time your done it will be to late for me to get dressed"  he complains "right, go on do your thing Ken doll" he flips me off before running up the stairs of his house.

When we finally arrive I greet my grandmother who's watching my brother for the day and exit to upstairs where I start picking what i want to wear. While I was picking my grandma came through the door "hey grams where's baby boy?"  I ask attempting to check behind her "Vance said he'll watch him real quick, really good boy... are y'all dating yet?"  "NO!" I say defensive "why not it's obvious you like him"  my grandma shrugs "the real question is does he like me" I respond "I can tell he thinks your cute for sure, it would be hard not to though" my grandma smiles telling me " thanks grandma, I'm just scared what if he doesn't like me back?" grandma sighs "you'll be fine honey, if he gives you reason to believe he likes you, he does.  maybe he just doesn't know yet or he's nervous! He could be thinking the same thing as you" she states and I hug her "thanks grandma for the wise words" she nods before leaving my room.

When I come down an hour later all dressed up and smelling good I can hear my brother babbling and Vance talking back. "Hey buddy I can't understand what you're saying maybe try English" Vance says in a voice that's way too serious making me giggle. My brother also must have found it funny as he randomly jumps up and takes off smiling and laughing running into my legs. "I'm ready" I say a smile on my face as I pick him up. 

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