You haven't seen my man

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Sometimes I just can't believe that HE is my boyfriend.

When I glance up and see him sitting there in all his glory I just have to scratch my head cause What the actual fuck. and then he's so normal sitting there like he's not a fucking god send???

"What are you looking at" he asks confusion in his voice as I stare from beside him. "You" I respond smirking at him "your so weird, you asked- no begged me to come to the movies with you so you could watch me?"  He smirks back at me.  "Indeed" I respond "just watch the damn movie" Vance sighs out moving my head to face the screen currently playing 'heaven can wait' the new movie that came out in theaters. I heard from my friend that it was a cool movie and I might like it so I convinced this stubborn guy to watch it with me. "This movie is nice and all but you're easier to look at. Why did you pick seats so close to the screen?"  Vance side eyes me "I didn't know I just went to the only spot I could see" he explains. "Now would ya watch the movie?" He asks not so politely. "Was just asking I already feel my eyes going crossed" he snorts at my joke and we continued to watch the movie.

"I'm gonna get a slushee be right back" I say getting up. That popcorn was dry as hell but I'm gonna blame his taste buds that he couldn't tell how much butter to add. While walking I had heard tussling behind me I get into a line a lady with dark red lipstick and sharp liners is there staring at me waiting for me to order. "Cherry slushee refill" I put my cup back on the counter also handing her my five dollar bill while at it. "Really going for a red lip tint aren't ya? This is your second refill tonight" she asks jokes with a smirk "well I do like cherries" I smile back  "I like popping cherries" I hear a whisper. "What the hell?" I say audibly disgusted Turing towards a group of boys all seeming older then me by a little bit but to no end creepy.  They all looked shocked at me for saying something others turning to stare at the boys. "What happened" I hear voice come from beside me making me jump,I turn to see its Vance. "Jeez where did you come from? Nothing just people with slick tongues"   I respond annoyed. "My tongue can get slick somewhere else" the same boy whispers not so quietly. "What'd you just say" Vance tempts "I said thats not all this tongue can do" the boys speaks up with a smirk his friends having the same goofy smirks on they're faces. "okay now what the actual hell!?"  The red lipped lady at the counter comes to my defense.

This bring me to another really good part about dating Vance which makes him all the more cooler. Everyone learns respect when he's around probably cause they're scared of him. People who don't know are gonna find out real soon like now...

Before that boy can fix his mouth to say another stupid dirty joke a fist hits him right in it, Vance's fist that is. While the boy goes to try and grab his bleeding nose a foot was swung right into his face making him tumble down to the floor . Before another one of his friend could launch his raised fist down to attack, Vance had already tripped him down to the floor then stomping on the guy-  i almost feel bad for him almost... people are now surrounding us especially this guys friends. "Now get the fuck gone" the girl at the counter screams at the boys making them scram.

Maybe the best part of it all is knowing that he feels the same about me- I mean I'd hope he does he sure acts like it. I catch him too sometimes staring at me with care and  concern it makes me all the more nervous. Because through all the frantic and anger he's feeling like right now he never let any of it come to me. His stare antagonistic a glint that says he's knows I know, so pretty and pure even if he try's his best to make himself appear punk the outer shell doesn't match the windows to his soul.

Then even unposed just playing his game at grab n go the next day. I mean he's just standing there and I'm gawking at how good his quote "guyliner" looks on him. I'm glad nobody dares to tell him to take it off because man I love it.  His Jean clad outfits and spiked bracelets like those covers of a rock magazine. And then he just does that small smile when he successfully gets more points that drives me up the wall. I guess I'd never expect that I'd be in a relationship with him of all people.  when I told people it was HIM they were all very wary even some telling me I should watch out. And I'm watching out alright, honestly if people weren't shitting bricks when he came through the door I'm pretty sure he'd would be just as popular as those guys like Casanova Bruce Yamada.

"Seriously your staring is creeping me out you look like a puppy who found its owner or something" Vance chided now staring back at me confused I can tell it was to cover up something more. "Yeah because I love you dumbass" I respond while rolling my eyes. It's like he stopped breathing when I said that, as if he was stuck in time not even blinking. "Too soon?" I frown with a tilt of my head. When I blink again his composure looks way more shy than tense, there's a light blush spread across his cheeks and the small smirk had came back. "I love you too" Vance returned catching me off guard. "Thank you" I blurt nervously I can't stop the uncontrollable smile that spreads in my face before turning away from him. "Did you really just say thank you" Vance interrogates in a slightly humored voice "it's a lot to handle in a literal grab n go" I whisper to him trying to regain my posture. "You said it first imagine how I felt?" Vance whispers back. "Yet somehow you still manage to fluster me" I say letting out a deep breathe then turning around. "You're acting like a dork" Vance murmured. "Don't you think I know that ? I'm still pinching myself to see if I'm awake" I blurt but this makes Vance smirk "am I what you've been dreaming of?" He jokes "yeah basically" I respond after taking a second to think. "Okayyyy" he says turning back to start a new game. "I can see that you're still blushing so I'm not the only dork here" Vance shakes his head in denial. "Vance I can see it your literally turning pink" I giggle "I don't blush" he shakes his head. "You wanna test that theory?" I say with determination which he just shrugs to still zoned in to his game. I take my compact mirror out my bag hiding it behind my back. "Vance just one second and I'll give you another quarter to play" "what do you want-why are you smiling?" He turns to me yet again confused. instead of answering I kiss him moving my hand to his hair to pull him closer. I pull him back and now he really is blushing. Pulling up my compact mirror and I look at him through it so he sees himself and he can't help but smile with me.

"See ? Caught ya, don't hide from your feelings"

YIPEEEEEE! Congrats on the end of the school year (for some) and I don't really have much to say except I'm tired and this is very cheesy. Have a good rest of day and to whomever happy birthday!!

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