Campin life

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LONGGGG ASS STORY!! (5479 words)

It was the first day of summer and I was packing, obviously not for some fun get away to somewhere like Italy or maybe even Mexico but instead I'm going where the bugs and coyotes are! My mom is forcing me out the house using the "every summer you Spend in your room! Go make some friends" thing on me. I sigh reluctantly agreeing and lightly stomping off into my room. This sucks! My social battery needs to recharge after school, so what happeneds if you're stuck with not only randos from school but complete strangers ! I wallow in my bed imagining taking off into the sunset and visiting somewhere else in the world like normal people during summer.

That was until I heard Bruce yamada was coming. Now usually I stop having crushes on people when school ends but Bruce was irresistible!  friendly, kind, cute, sporty, smart I mean what else could you want in a boyfriend? So even though I fucking Hated trying to make friends atleast I'll have eye candy with my plate of suffering. My mom entered me in that same day and they said I had taken the last spot, in two days I'll be who knows where playing who knows what with who knows who, and I've seen all the best horror movies start like this! I started to rethink me going for Bruce... nah I'll Be good.

The next day at around 12 we started our traveling and it took so long to get there that it was dinner time when I came. Luckily I didn't get no introduction and was able to slip in with the blend of kids as if I've been here. I ate, we toured the shower and the outhouse even showing me the bonfire that they did occasionally. Finally I  was shown to my cabin which was unexpectedly lonely. "Where's the ppl?" I say looking around the three person room with only me standing in it other than the camp guide. "Oh yeah since you were so late you couldn't put in who you wanted to room with so you get one by yourself!  Cool right?" The guy smirked in a hopeful way probably thinking I wouldn't want to be alone at a place which is basically sleepovers for 2 weeks straight for others. "Amazing" I sigh looking around the room that was all mine, just like normal I could recharge. He smiled in relief before waving "good night I'll tell you more Tommorow when we are all awake"  he turns away but then back to me"please make yourself at home I'm always close by if you need me" he walks out with a pep in his step and I presumed he will always be like that.

It's morning and I'm a groaning and yawning mess in the cafeteria apparently 7am sharp they woke us up by coming to each dorm and screaming. And we have to eat before we can even get ready, what bs? I am next in line and on the menu was oatmeal. I groan grabbing my plate walking over to the spoons and extras table where I saw him. He was smiling at one of his friends as  they talked. His chocolate brown eyes sucked me and I felt like I was drowning in the sweet syrup. it was almost like he had an halo effect- "watch where your going ass hat" I heard the familiar gruff voice and my shoulder ached from us slamming into each other, Vance. can't escape him can you?

I roll my eyes grabbing my silver where and fruit . I walk where the tables are and I groan, everyone already has their groups. walking down the aisle full of tables I feel someone come next to me. "Hey y/n! Didn't know you were here? Wanna sit with my friends and me" Bruce's voice creeped into my ears and I turn to him surprised. "Uhm yeah sure!" I say trying to match his energy. When we get to the table I notice just how unfriendly it seems. Mostly awkward people were sat in the seats and at the far corner was a grumbling Vance. It looked as though you took a couple of introverts and put them at the table with an extrovert. "These are all my friends I've made!" Bruce exclaims. I settle at the table beside Bruce. I start to analyze the people around me, there's a girl around my age wearing a cat shirt black hair swooped over her pink tinted face, There's a boy wearing a blue shirt with brown curly hair and chocolate brown eyes, there's a boy with long hair cascading down his back and brown tinted skin, and there's that angry looking blonde with the denim on denim outfit that it seems he refuses to take off even to sleep? We all look mismatched and confused.

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