New friends

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I- well we have come to the realization- sorry me gwen and finney has come to the conclusion that everybody is connected and so is the people we want to be friends with. Finney has been dying to become friends with Bruce since he saw him on the field, Gwen secretly wants to meet Donna, and I may have been trying to get at Vance for.. undisclosed reasons. Anywho Gwen met a kid named griffin with no friends and she's been trying to get him out his bubble in class so we decided to try and form an friend group. I'm already friends with donna and she knows billy, billy is friends with bruce. finney brings robin, robins cool with Vance. You see how all this is coming together? We are all mutual friends and acquaintances but we can combine, somehow. Summer break is coming and that's when we want to all be a group by, and I know what your thinking it's weird but everyone has friends crushes. Another thing to add is Bruce's birthdays coming up and he always has a big party where he allows everyone to invited to bring two people... Which usually leads to most of our class being invited.

Today we start our plan, I walk into lunch with finney and Gwen on my side. We get our food and we all navigate over to our friends and convince them to sit with us. As expected when I asked Donna, she asks billy to come sit down. Finney mustered up the courage to ask the three boys to sit somewhere else for the day and there came robin,Bruce, and Vance. We all sit where gwen and griffin are sitting and talking. Griffin looks very overwhelmed by the sudden amount of people. At first it's quiet until Bruce says something "didn't know we all knew each other ?" The table breaks out into a small fit of giggles instantly breaking the tensions. Before I know it robin,finney and griffin are trading snacks, Vance and Bruce are arguing about vanilla and chocolate ice cream, Donna is telling gwen a shopping story and billy is telling me where he got his new bike from.

"BRUCE YOU CANT SIT HERE AND TELL ME YOU DONT LIKE CHOCOLATE ITS NOT POSSIBlE, RIGHT FINN?" Finney is stunned for a minute before lowly admitting "I also like vanilla ice cream" and a groan come from both robin and Vance "I TOLD YOU VANCE, ONE MORE FOR VANILLA! Y/N WHAT YOU CHOOSING?" I laugh at they're antics before getting nervous about my answer "don't ridicule me but both is equally as good" I shrug "why choose if you can have both?" Donna nods her head in approval making the boys dismiss us. Bruce pulls out a notepad and pen " okay then two for chocolate two for swirl two for vanilla" i blink in confusion at the randomness of it before Vance says "are we all gonna ignore how he pulled that pen and paper out of his ass crack ?" We all double over in laughter at Vance's sentence while he stares confused. "Okay what ever Vance. Billy, griffin and Gwen are our tie breakers" robin says still smiling from the joke then Gwen speaks up from her side "chocolate duh, but finney always gets vanilla" Bruce writes the tally down shaking his head in disapproval while Vance and robin high five "griffin how bout you?" I ask him to include him and his smile disappears off his face in nervousness "I-i like ''em both" me and Donna high five "one for our team, and you billy?" Donna asks "the one we've all been waiting for" finney says as we all stare at billy for his answer "I like mint chocolate chip" billy says proudly and everyone at the table audibly groans "ALL OF THAT FOR YOU TO CHOOSE TOOTHPASTE!?" Vance shouts at billy in disappointment " IT DOES NOT TASTE LIKE TOOTH PASTE" billy argues. We all talked a lot more after and we all got invited to Bruce's birthday party.

Getting ready at donnas place because her room is always clean and she always has the good stuff. gwen has on some overalls with her favorite colored shirt and her hair in half up half down bubble braids, I have on a pair of shorts because boy is it hot outside with my favorite shirt and a pair of my favorite shoes and I put my hair up in a pony tail to keep it off my back. Donna on the other hand cannot figure out what to wear. After spraying on some of Donnas expensive perfume I turn to her in her closet throwing stuff out, wrecking her neat room. "Donna what vibe are you going for,I can help you ? You want colorful,comfy,basic,cute" she sighs "I want something like cute and casual but I have no clothes" she says with a massive pile of clothes outside her closet "okay how about this pink under shirt, this white small cardigan cause it's thin, and this pair of shorts with your new pink shoes" I say instantly matching the clothes together "oh and your pearl necklace and earrings would go, don't you have a pink ribbon too?" As I set the clothes on the bed I look at Gwen and Donna who looks stuck "whatcha think" I ask. Donna runs and attacks me with a hug "YOUR THE BEST !" She say's excitedly. We finally get out the house about an hour late for the party and rushing to get on our bikes.

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