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The shuttle pulls into the station. I'm sitting alone at the back of the shuttle. Ever since Terrence died I haven't heard anything from Kally, Luke, Ken, or Katie. I wasn't expecting anything, but some part of me wanted them to stay. I know I made the decisions that led to his death, but it was also necessary. Or that's what I've been telling myself. Even if it's a lie. Was it necessary? Was he going to tell someone, would they believe a college student? Katie is still alive and she hasn't said anything.

I step out of the shuttle that bleeds students onto the platform. I don't know how this year is going to go but it can't be worse than last year. Even if my gut says otherwise. The first place we are all expected is the arena. We are going to be reintroduced and our stats are going to be announced. There are seven levels left in the game. Seven more chances to kill Katie off successfully.

My mind is a blaze with possibilities as I join the herd making their way towards the arena. There is all sorts of talk that surrounds this, alasians talking about the new classes. But more importantly talking about the new staff. There are rumors that Victoria is back. Although, that can't be true. There's no way my mom would let that riff raff back inside our precious world. But if she is here, how did she make it past my mom? And if she is here, do we have to kill her to save this world as well?

I shake the thoughts from my mind, I need to focus on the kill I know I have to do. My mom put me in private lessons this summer. Got me an updated power suit that has certain power projections attached to the arms. She made me study hand to hand. After how disappointed she was with my attempt at executing Katie she has been more strict than ever. She says that killers aren't born, they're made. But I don't know. Do I really want to be remembered as a killer? Is that really the legacy I want to leave behind. My mother argues that it is neccessary. That death is part of preserving a nation. But, how will Terrence's death protect us? What did he have to hide that was so important he needed to die?

What did Terrence know that I don't?

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