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The teacher is looking expectantly at Ken. It makes me want to laugh. He looks undaunted and unbothered.

"So, are you gonna teach me how?" He crosses his arms lazily.

There's the sounds of chuckles around the room.

"Hush," the teacher chides which only makes it worse. We've always been a rough bunch, if she can't take that she shouldn't be here.

"Now, when did you change exactly, what feeling were you feeling when you did?" The teacher prods Ken, who never tells anyone anything.

"And then what?" He responds.

She clears her throat, she had been expecting an answer.

"Then you channel that feeling specifically. Usually it's either a very happy memory or a loved one you want to protect," she adds.

His fists clench as she says loved one, and fur breaks out over his skin. His bones shatter into a different shape. A giant black brown bear, the color of his regular hair, stands snarling his teeth at the class. There's gasps before, almost like he hadn't ever shifted, he's back on his feet.

"Must be someone or something quite special," she smiles. He walks back to his seat and sits down without another word.

"Well now, we will use the rest of the time for you all to pair up and take turns changing. Changing back can be hard if you do not have a strong handle on your emotions. Most think to themselves they wish to become human again. Best of luck," and then she dismisses us to find a partner.

Ken sits at his desk reading something in the text book.

"You good," it's Luke that asks as we stand by his side.

Ken nods.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He flips the page.

"Cuz you don't read the textbooks," Ken uses the digital interface to clear the textbook away. He smiles.

"I don't want a partner, you two partner up," and then he raises his hand for the teacher to notice. She does after a while.

"I need to go to the bathroom," he says in a bored drawl.

"Go ahead," the teacher blinks at him. "But be fast, I want you to practice with a partner soon."

"Wouldn't miss it," Ken smiles Cooly, and his dimples glimmer in the sun.

"See you later," he says to the pair of us. We both know he's about to ditch.

We roll our eyes as he leaves.

I wonder who he thought of up there?

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