Of course the library doesn't have anything. I should have known from the fact that the creatures destroyed the libraries. A lot of those books were only in physical form though, which doesn't make sense because we are so technologically advanced. There has to be more to it. The only question is, what? Why would they hide our history, unless they have something they don't want us to see. And if they don't want us to see it, it has to be a weakness. Which only leads me to one thought, can I hack into anything that will tell us the history. Even if I knew how to hack it, I don't know where I'd have to look. There has to be a section though. There has to be something that will tell us something. Even though I know things can only get worse from here, at least the group is back together. And it's Kally that's pulling us together.

Katie comes back earlier than I do. I find her inside the room instead of the library.

"What's up?" I ask falling onto my bed.

She looks over at me, deep in thought.

"Ken looks like he's trying to die," is what comes out of her mouth. I blink.

"I don't disagree," I state. "But what can we do about it?"

"Why would he want to die? Isn't he back where he wanted to be?" She looks confused, contemplative if you will.

"I don't know about that," I can't help the chuckle from escaping.

"Why? He almost got me? If he didn't drop the shot he would have had me. He must just be upset he didn't get me sooner," she shakes her head. "Maybe he's depressed because I got away," she continues her train of thought.

"That's not how he looked. If anything I don't think he wanted you to be caught, even if he couldn't say that at the time. Otherwise why would he break the injection?" I counter.

"He dropped it when.... When he kissed me. He must have meant to do it when he kissed me," Katie's brows are creased. "He must have."

"He didn't run after you when you left though, to try and trap you again," i cross my arms. I don't think she understands what's going on, but I also don't think it's my place to explain that he might have feelings for her. That might be why he hates himself right now. It feels almost private. Like they're thoughts he's not ready to share.

"I'm stronger, unless he was to surprise attack me, he's not strong enough to beat me, even with all of his strength. He must have known that," Katie continues. "He had to."

"Ken doesn't even fear death, so why wouldn't he try and come after you even if it did kill him? He waited there in that room. I saw him, he looked crushed," I feel like that's not too private to share.

"Yeah, crushed his plan didn't work," I sigh. She's more dense than I am, which is saying something.

"I guess only time will tell, but if I had to guess it's the same reason why you went over there to save him tonight," I give her a small smile.

"I only helped him because I don't want to be the reason he dies," she looks angry.

This is not going in a good direction. I sigh.

"Okay, but what if he didn't want to be the reason you die?"

"Ken is a bad guy. He will never stop being a part of Jaden University. He wants to be in the guard of all things. If anyone is tangled up in Veronica's plans, it's him," she snarls.

I sigh. "Maybe you're right, but maybe you should ask him," I shrug.

"And get myself killed? The only reason I saved him tonight is because I knew he was too weak to kill me. I'm not letting my guard down again, they can't be trusted," her words are cold and for the first time I see the direct repercussions of what happened on that night. "If I'm not careful, I'm going to end up like Terrence," she finishes.

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