𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝐼𝑉

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I woke up in the room I was staying in, in the same clothes I wore yesterday. But I was all tucked in and cuddling an isaacwhy plushie.

I looked around for a bit, scanning my surroundings since I didn't understand where I was at first. But eventually I realized and reached for My phone. It was on the bedside table along with a note.

'thank me later
-eyesack :p'

I smiled, putting the note back down and unlocking my phone. It was Saturday and the time was 9:06 AM.

I stretched myself and stood up, waddling to my bag and pulling out some flared jeans and a red knitted sweater. Under the sweater was a white spaghetti strap top(the names so funky for no reason).

I put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs. It was surprisingly quiet, so I assumed everyone was asleep. I decided that I should make breakfast for everyone. It's the least I could do.

I went down the stairs and slided to the kitchen, opening the fridge. It was basically empty and had a singular coca cola zero. It didn't have a name so I took it.

I opened it with one hand and took a sip, then put it on the kitchen island and went on to the cupboards. After a bit of considering, I decided to make french toast.

I took the bag of bread and I divided it so that everyone gets three french toasts.

I took out the eggs and cracked them into a bowl. Then I whisked until it was yellowish. I shook in a little bit of salt, then a little sugar and mixed it for a bit. After that was done, I turned the stove on and put a pan on it. I took the stick of butter out from the fridge and cut a small piece, putting it on the pan and melting it.

I dipped two slices of bread into the egg mix, then quickly throwing it onto the pan. I let it cook for a bit, taking another sip of my coke while that happened. then I flipped them over and let it cook again. Once it was done I put them on a plate and did it all over again untill there wasn't any bread left.

I checked the time in my phone. 10:38 AM. I cleaned up after myself and heard a door open upstairs.

I looked towards the stairs to see who finally woke up. It was Isaac. He came downstairs, rubbing his eyes. His hair was messier than a birds nest. I chuckled, sliding him his plate as he entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, sunshine." I joked, giggling.

I think he said a 'goodmorning' back, but it was mumbled in a tired voice. He looked up from his hands and at me.

"You made food?" He asked as if he hadn't eaten in days.

"Yeah, thought it was the least I could do for waking up nearly two hours ago." I shrugged, sipping my drink again.

He smiled, walking up to me and hugging me. I was slightly caught off guard by it, but I didnt mind. I was a hugger anyway. I smiled and hugged him back.

"You're acting like you've been starving."

"I am a big man and-" he yawned, pulling away. "-and I need the energy." He sighed, sitting on a stool and biting the toast. He put a thumbs up at me and I smiled.

"Oh, and thanks for getting me in my bed. I have no idea how you could just carry me like that. Was I not heavy?" I leaned on the counter, opposite to him.

"No problem. Also you were like a feather, I could've easily thrown you up in the air." He chuckled.

"Uh huh.." I replied, a sarcastic tone in my voice.

There was a slight silence as he ate. But it wasn't uncomfortable, it was a nice and calm silence that came only at this time of hour.

"Y'know, tht Delilah girl right?" Isaac began, swallowing the last of his toast. I nodded and took his plate, putting it in the sink.

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