𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝐼𝐼𝐼

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(A/N : hi, so if you finished last chapter with val taking a shower then GO BACK TO LAST CHAPTER!!!!! I've added some important information to the end that if you don't read it you'll be very confused this chapter. So yeah.

Also go follow me aswell because I'll post updates of the book there (for example, these types of updates so that it won't take a lot of room on the book).

Toodles <33)


I was woken up by a shortness of breath.

Firstly, I didn't even realize i fell asleep. Secondly, who the fuck is si-

"WAKE THE FUCK UPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

No other than Tanner himself, yelled in my ear, almost bursting my eardrum.

"IM UP, IM UP!! GET OFF ME." I choked out, trying to hit him as hard as possible.

He finally jumped off and I swear I could hear my ribs crack.

"Why are you so energetic and happy at..." I checked the time, which was 9 AM. "...9 AM.." I looked up at him.

"Can I not wake up my favourite person in the whole wiiii-"

"What do you need?" I cut him off, knowing he was going to start blabbering about me being his bestest friend and how much he appreciates me.

"Can you stream with me?" He then said, very hesitantly.

I tilted my head slightly. "And you needed to break two of my ribs to ask that?"

He looked up at me sheepishly, nodding.

I sighed.

"You know how dumb of a question that is, right?" I lightly laughed. He seemed like a little kid. It remind me of when Blake and i-

"Okay but sometimes you scold me or one of the boys for even slightly having you in a picture..." He said in a baby voice, hitting his leg on the ground.

I laughed. "Yes Tanner, I will stream with you. When and what?"

He now turned his face at me and smiled.

"Umm, whenever you want and whatever you want."

I nodded. "Reacting to something and uhh.... I'll think of a time."

He put s thumbs up and left my room, saying a quick 'okay bye!'.

I smiled, then fell back into my bed and groaned.

That was probably the fastest my social battery has died out because I don't feel like getting out of bed today.

But I told Tanner I would stream with him, and this might be the only thing we'll do together, just us, for a while.

So I sucked it up and got up. I didn't bother changing my clothes right now since I know most of the house is asleep at this time.

I stretched myself and took my phone from the bedside table. I turned it on and it barely had 20 percent.

Oh, for fucks sake.

I sighed, sliding it into my pants' pocket. I went to the mirror in my room and quickly checked myself out, making sure i look somewhat presentable. After quickly combing through my hair, I fixed my shirt that had gotten slightly stuck to my skin after sleeping.

I smiled st myself in the mirror, then quickly dropped it and went dead serious. I cringed at myself in the mirror and left the room.

As I stepped out, I froze to hear if I could hear someone. I didn't, thank god, but I did hear light tv noise in the background. From what I understood, an old SpongeBob episode was on. I was planning on joining whoever it was, but to my luck, it was Blake.

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