𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝑋𝑋𝑉

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"what are you guys doing?"

The annoying fuck Infront of us said. Everyone gave each other glances as I put on the hood of my hoodie and pulled up the zipper, wanting to disappear.

As nick began to say some stupid excuse, Delilah spoke again.

"That's not important.. aren't you all sick with he chicken pox or something?" She asked again.

"Uhh..." Larry looked around.

Nick, thankfully, finally replied to her.

"Nah, it was some different sickness. But we're all mostly cured now." He nodded. Delilah didn't buy it, looking over at Blake for confirmation. Blake just slowly nodded, unsure himself.

"Alrighty then.." she said, taking a chair and squeezing herself next to Blake.

"Oh, and who's this?" She asked, pointing to me.

"Oh, that's valentine." Grunk said, pushing his glasses up from the bottom with his finger.

Delilahs eyes widened. "Ohh, I couldn't recognize you with that.. outfit..." She said, looking my up and down.

I gave her a confused look as she put her arms around Blake's arm. It made my blood boil. Not because I wanted to be in Delilahs place, no no. Because Blake looked so uncomfortable with her holding his arm like that.

Then, u looked down at my clothes. What was I supposed to wear? Some skirt that would most likely expose my underwear and the tightest crop top ever? Like come on.

Isaac cleared his throat. "So! Anyone want to go on another ride?" He asked, clapping his hands together.

Everyone said an awkward 'yes' as we all got our stuff together and left the table.

We walked around the place for a bit before Larry saw this punching bag game. It wasn't a ride, but he begged us to go there.

I decided to sit this one out. It felt like all my social battery had been drained as soon as Delilah interacted with us.

"What? Scared to break a finger nail?" she joked.

"If i had your finger nails, I would be"


Is what I would've said, if I wasn't a little bitch. Instead, I just ignored her.

I mean, was I lying though? Her nails are super long with some hello kitty type of shit going on.

One by one, the males took turns punching the bag. I didn't really pay attention to the numbers they got, it doesn't really matter how strong some guy is.

But as Delilah stepped up, I looked up and a small grin appeared on my face.

She has to fuck up some way, and I want to see how.

She first, got taught how to even hold her fist together correctly and how to hit it right. Then, she took a few step back, took a deep breathe then ran to the punching bag, swinging her fist.

... Swing and a WHOLE ASS MISS BRO.

I burst out laughing along with everyone else as Delilah recovered from the embarrassment, covering her face and burying it into Blake's side.

"Guyss.. stop laughing..." She whined as everyone tried holding in their laughter.

Even Blake was laughing, it was so funny.

Eventually, everyone stopped laughing and we continued moving.

Delilah was clinging into Blake's hand as if her life depended on it. I swear if we were in a cartoon, steam would be blowing out of my ears and nose.

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