𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝑋𝑉𝐼

467 19 14


I heard him ask, rushing towards me.

"Yeah?.." I replied, gritting my teeth and hissing.

"You okay?" Blake asked again.

I turned my head to look at him.

"Yeah, perfectly fine! Don't feel a thing." I sarcastically exclaimed, laying back down.

"..Want help..?" He offered his hand.

I nodded and pushed the scooter off of me and took his hand, pulling myself up.

I almost immediately collapsed again. My whole body hurt so damn bad.

Blake gently put his arm around me and began walking me to the bench, his other hand carrying the scooter.

Soon enough, the rest of the guys came to check out what happened.

"You good val? I saw you fall." Larry said, holding the skateboard with his hand as he gently put his arm on my shoulder. I hissed at the pain as it was the same shoulder I fell on. He immediately removed it after I hissed.

"No, I hurt almost everything on my body." I sat down with Blake, his arm still around me.

"Do you wanna go home orr..?" Tanner asked, scratching his head.

"We can stay, I just won't come and skate." I shrugged.

"Okay, I'm gonna go back if that's fine." Tanner put a thumbs up up, Larry following him. Nick stood there with a guilty look.

"Sorry val.." he mumbled.

"It's fine. Not your fault." I reassured him. He nodded, but still stood slightly next time.

"Really, Nick. It's fine." I sighed.

"You're gonna check her out, right Yumi?" Nick pointed to me, looking at the boy next to me. He nodded and then turned to me.

"I mean, if you're fine with it. I have nieces and nephews so I sort of know how to deal with this." He slightly smiled.

Nick nodded and left off to go and join the other guys.

I decided to slowly try and take my sweater off. It hurt like a bitch but at least now I could see the damage.

My shoulder is bruised. My elbow is bleeding. I don't know anything about my hip, though.

It didn't seem very bad, but it did hurt.

I tried touching my shoulder, which was probably the dumbest fucking thing I've ever decided to do. I immediately got a sting of pain from my shoulder.

"Want me to check it out?" Blake quietly asked me, looking up at me. I nodded and sighed, carefully making myself face him.

He looked at my shoulder, gently holding onto my arm as he did. He gave me a look as if to ask if he could gently touch it. I nodded and clutched my sweater in case it would hurt really bad.

To my surprise, it didn't hurt as bad. Infact, I didn't even feel him touch it.

"Do you feel anything?" He spoke up. I shook my head.

I looked at what he was doing. He was gently patting the spots on my shoulder.

He lightly pressed on a yellowish blue spot, looking up at me.

"How about now?" He asked again. I this time slightly nodded. It hurt a little, but again, not as bad as it did when I touched it.

"How badly?"

I thought for a moment. "5/10 I'd say."

He nodded. He moved more into the middle of the bruised and then tapped it. Once he did, I slightly got scared, pulling myself back. But he kept holding on to me.

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