𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝑋𝑉𝐼𝐼

488 18 16

I woke up pretty early, 5 am to be exact. As I checked the time, I sighed and went back to bed, tightly closing my eyes.

As I held my eyes closed I felt a gentle yet hurtful paw step on me right on my stomach. It began walking up from my stomach to my neck, cuddling up under my chin.

Tibby's purring echoed through my quiet room as I raised a hand to pet him.

I smiled as I felt Tibby's furry body vibrate against my hand. It brought a sort of comforting feeling.

But then, my happiness is cut short when I reminisce the events of yesterday. Blake carrying me back home, tucking me in... Complimenting me??..

I sighed and gently began to move so that Tibby told sense that he had to move himself. But once he didn't start moving, I picked him up and set him next to me as I sat up straight, legs over the side of my bed.

I sat there, staring off into the wall as I zoned out and let my thoughts race through my head about yesterday.

Mostly about what he said before he left my bedroom. I couldn't quite hear it, but it didn't feel like it was something bad. I'll just assume it was another goodnight of some sort.

I felt Tibby paw me again, pulling me out of my trance. I shook my head and slowly stood up, walking to my closet. I picked out today's outfit and went to go shower and then change.

Once I undressed myself and stepped on the shower, I turned on the faucet, letting the water first turn nice and warm before I let it coat my body.

Suddenly, I felt a sudden sting on my hip and shoulder. I quickly slapped my hand onto my shoulder In an attempt to stop the pain. Once I realized it wouldn't help, I inspected the wound. It wasn't very big to cover my whole shoulder, but it wasn't too small to not be counted as a wound.

I sighed, now turning my gaze down to my hip.

My hip has a purpleish tone to it with some white/beige dots on it. It hurt to touch, But I had to wash myself.

I endured the most painful shower I have ever had and put on my clothes for the day. I quickly washed my teeth and combed my hair, letting the hair dry as I did my makeup. After k was done, I went to the kitchen and found a note.

'stuff in garage. Thanks you for the day. GBS love you


I flipped the card around and saw that it had a translator sort of thing inside brackets.

'(GBS - get better soon)'

I laughed. I probably would've guessed that myself. I turned on the coffee machine and made coffee as i decided to prepare myself some breakfast since I had a lot of time before I had to go to work.

I made myself some eggs and a sandwich to go along with it. I set the plate down onto the living room table infront of the tv as I went and took my coffee.

I sat down and turned on the tv, flipping though channels. There wasn't anything to watch, so I sighed loudly.

I sat there for a moment before deciding to go onto YouTube and watch some of the guys' videos.

The first that popped up was a video called 'last to leave VC'. It seemed fun and it was just the right length. I clicked on the video and it started playing.

I took a bite out of my sandwich and stretched while chewing it.

I saw Tibby run out of my room and into the kitchen. It made me realize that i had to put food out for Tibby too.

I stood up and walked to a cabinet, taking out some wet food for her. I turned around and opened the packet. Tibby stood there with a face full of happiness as the smell of the food that escaped the packaging. I poured the food out into his bowl and quickly put water into the other.

I then stood up and walked back to the couch and resumed my eating and video-watching.


I was a little more than halfway through when I got a message from someone. It was Tanner.


Yanner :

(Also I changed Tanner and vals' names on the phone because I wasn't fw it)

My face scrunched up as I reread the message.


Yanner :

Valsie :
What do you mean 'gf'?


I wrote. Before i sent the message, I started to rethink what I wrote. I don't know why, but I did. But I decided to suck it up and send the message. I checked the timer and decided to go and get ready to go to work. When k say get ready, I mean like putting on my jacket, my shoes etc.

As I did exactly that, I was waiting for tanners reply. I mean, I would love to come over to their place again, but I don't want to deal with Delilah's ass yet again.

As I put on my shoes and turned the TV off, I heard my phone ding.


Valsie :
What do you mean 'gf'?

Yanner :
Well I mean Delilah. Yumi and her aren't exactly a couple but Delilah sure does act like they are which is low-key cringe


I sighed. I wasn't surprised to be honest. I just didn't feel very good reading those words about those people.


Yanner :
Well I mean Delilah. Yumi and her aren't exactly a couple but Delilah sure does act like they are which is low-key cringe

Valsie :
Not surprised. This Friday I'll come then? Or will you guys pick me up?

Yanner :
Nahh we'll pick u up.

Valsie :
You and who?

Yanner :
Whoever wants tl come.


I sighed, slipping my phone back into my pocket.

I stretched myself and stood up, beginning to walk to my car and go to work. Honestly, the only reason I really agree to go to their house is because of Tanner and the others. But the only reason I don't want to go is because of Delilah.

But, since Tanner said that she thinks they're all sick so she won't be coming over, It might be a better weekend this time.

A/N : hey huyysd.. sorry for no post in ages, school and other stuff hits hard so suddenly. Also right before I finished this chapter my dad came in and said jow he knows I'm awake and stuff and that he'll take my phone away and stuff. I didn't say anything because maybe je would think he was talking tl himself, bit then again, maybe I'm just thinking too into it.

Anyways, eat, sleep and drink water, love you guys <3

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