𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝑋𝐼𝐼𝐼

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"What the fuck are you guys actually doing here??"

I asked, my mouth slightly agape.

"We wanted to surprise you. And we were hungry.." Tanner laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

I scanned all of the guys who were here. It was everyone except Isaac. And Grunk, but that would be expected.

"And then you come to my workplace?" I raised a brow, leaning onto the counter.

"....are you mad?" Tanner slightly laughed.

"No, I'm not, I'm surprised. Do you want to order something or..?" I pointed to the register.

The group all mumbled in agreement.

Then, they began fighting on who would order for them. During the fight, Blake snuck out and came to the register.

"Can I get a coffee with a glazed donut?" He whisper yelled. I nodded, distracted with the other guys' fight. I quickly turned around and got his coffee and donut, coming back to the front and handing it to him.

He just stood there for s few moments before finally asking.

"Am I gonna pay Orr..?"

I finally turned my attention towards him. He was wearing some red shirt and black basketball shorts. He had his credit card in his hand and was waiting for me to answer.

"Oh, no need. On the house." I smiled, pushing his arm back.

"I'll still tip you, you know." He reached for his wallet.

"No, really. It's fine. Like I said, on the house." I rolled my eyes.

"Yumi what are you doing??" Nick asked. We both looked at him as Blake held a 20 dollar bill.

"I want to order!!" Larry whined, crossing his arms.

"Okay whatever let him order for us. He's gonna pay anyways." Nick shrugged.

I turned to Blake and he's groaned. I lightly laughed.

"I'll pay, just don't tell them." I waved my hand.

He basically laughed at me. "No the fuck you're not. I'll raid your house." He said, pointing a finger at me.

I raised my hands. "Whatever you want, sir Blake."

He smiled, turning around and asking the guys for their orders. They all said their orders at the same time, so when they shut up, Blake turned back to me.

"Did you get any of that?"

I shook my head.

He sighed and turned back around, getting everyone's orders one at a time.

He then told me them again and I rang him up.

I have no idea how four men could have to pay 12 dollars at a cafe, but oh well.

I turned around and got whatever it was they ordered and gave it to Blake.

"Oh, by the way, when's your shift ending?" He asked.

"Oh um.." I looked at the clock, which now read 9:14 AM.

"Well, my break starts at 11 AM and my shift ends at.. 3 PM. Why?" I turned back to him.

"Well, the guys wanted to hang out with you. Said something about 'meeting Ed Sheeran'...?" He shrugged, laughing.

"Oh, I got a cat! His name's Tibby. Did they not tell you?" I tilted my head, to which he shook his.

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