𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝑉𝐼

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We were reacting to a clip of a truck going way faster than a truck should be going. It was about to drive off into a house, but exactly before it hit the house, Tanner paused the video.

He started to giggle awkwardly.

"Chat, I just saved them." He scratched his nose, looking at chat.

I started laughing. Tanner got me a slightly taller chair so now I was more visible to the viewers.

"You just saved everyone millions." I added, patting his shoulder.

"I'm like, literally superman." He looked at me, then back to the screen. He quickly unpaused and then paused again.

The truck got closer to the house, but it was almost inches apart from the house.

I impulsively unpaused it, then paused it again.

This time, the truck hit the house and drove straight into the wall.

"VAL!! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" Tanner yelled, pointing at the screen.

"MY FAULT IM SORRY!" I yelled back, putting my hands in my face and fake-crying.

"GO TO THE CORNER! NOW!" He slightly giggled, pointing to a corner.

I looked up from my hands, then looked where he was pointing. I shamefully got up and walked to said corner.

He turned back to the stream and skipped the truck and house part, moving on to what seemed like a pile-up crash.

Every few seconds, I would turn around to check what Tanner was doing. I'm guessing he saw me from the camera, since he turned to me and firmly said 'no'.

I started to fake-cry again, turning back to the corner.

" 'free my g she ain't do nun'? Aw naw, she caused a truck to drive into some homeless center." Tanner read out, giggling.

I yelled out 'NO I DIDN'T!' in my defense.

"I'll let her out if someone give some like, ten thousand dollars." He grinned, looking at me.

I put my tongue out at him, crossing my arms.

"AH! We don't do that 'round 'ere missy. 10 more minutes." He waved a finger at me, talking in his cowboy accent.

I grumbly turned around, facing the corner.

He turned back around and giggled.

A donation came onto screen with the automated sound saying. 'i don't have 10k but take just 10. Let my girl out she innocent.'

"Ughh finee... Val you can come out." He said, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

I squealed like a little girl and came back to the chair.

"Stop pouting little baby." I pat his shoulder again, giggling.

He rolled his eyes.

I pressed the spacebar to continue the video, which showed and empty car driving on the highway.


"Alright, chat. What do we think was the worst crash yet?" Tanner asked, looking at chat.

There were loads of different responses, but you could see a few repeat multiple times.

"The gray van?" I asked, shocked.

The gray van crash had a gray van crash into a street pole and said street pole had falled onto the house next to it. It basically Split the house in two. And just as the clip ended, you could see a woman peek out of the large hole the pole made.

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