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After an HOUR of waiting, they all finally came back.

The first thing that Isaac seemed to notice was that I was wearing Blake's hoodie. He did raise an eyebrow at me, but he didn't instigate further.

"So!" Blake began, putting his phone away and standing up. "We ready to go home?"

Everyone agreed and nick quickly filmed an outro for his vlog. Then we began going home.

This time, I decided to go with nicks car instead of Blake's.

In nicks car was me, nick and Isaac. And in Blake's car was himself, Larry, tanner and Grunk.

As we all entered the cars we've chosen, Isaac immediately eyes me from the front seat.

I lightly laughed. "What?" I finally asked.

"You're wearing Yumi's hoodie..." He said. Nick's attention immediately turned to us.

He then turned to me and his eyebrows raised.

"I thought you had your own sweater?.." Nick added, to which I sighed.

"Yeah, no, I did. But I lost it. I think I left it at the game place we were at." I answered them. Isaac nodded and Nick focused back on to driving.

"And so you're now wearing Yumi's hoodie because..?" Isaac asked again.

I just stared at him. "Because I was cold...?" I slightly mocked him. He playfully rolled his eyes at me and went onto his phone.

I lightly smiled and went onto my phone aswell, slightly yawning.

A light silence filled the car.

"Soo.... You and Yumi, huh?" Nick spoke up.

I sighed at...whatever he was suggesting.

"He's just a friend. There's nothing going on between us." I said strictly.

Nick just slowly nodded. "Uh huh.."

"Seriously! I don't like him!" I argued back, making Isaac laugh a little.

"Nobody said you did, valentine." Isaac replied, a shit eating grin on his face.

"Well you suggested it!" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

Another small silence filled the air.

"And plus, I'm pretty sure he likes Delilah, so-"

"Hell no! She hates that woman with all of his heart!" Isaac interrupted.

Then, I remembered what Blake had told me when we first saw Delilah at the amusement park.

"Right, yeah, he told me. I forgot."

"And to be frank, I don't think any of us really like her. All she is is a nuisance. I feel bad for Yumi, really. He's in a pretty tough situation." Nick admitted, seemingly shocked himself that he said it.

Me and Isaac agreed with him.

"I hate how she acts with me. I swear she's out to get me." I added.

"Really? How so?" Isaac asked. My eyebrows raised as he asked.

"Are you blind?? She's been shitting on me ever since she came along! There's not one good experience I have with her."  I scoffed.

Isaac slightly shrugged. "I don't know dude. You girls are so mysterious, it's like you have your own alien language."

"Whatever. But you have to agree, she isn't exactly the nicest person in the world. Surely you guys have your experiences with her too, right?'' I asked.

They sort of nodded.

"... speaking of Delilah, did you guys see her while going on some other rides?" I asked them. They looked at each other in thought, just like me and Grunk did when Blake asked us if we had seen Delilah.

Then, they both shook their heads.


I nodded.

"I feel like she might've gone to the ride worker from before. Did you see her raise her skirt??" I asked them. To which they shook their head.

"She did??" Isaac asked. I nodded hard while saying "yes!!".

Nick sighed. "To be honest, I'm not surprised. She has tried making advances to Isaac before.." he quietly admitted, to which Isaac hit him in his arm while whisper yelling his name.

"What?? Like she'll tell anyone." Nick defended himself.

My jaw dropped.

"She WHAT??" I basically yelled.

Isaac sighed defeatedly. "Yeah. She's tried to.. flirt?.. with me before.. but I've always just excused myself or rejected her. But she just won't understand. I haven't told Yumi or anyone else except for nick. And well, now you." He explained.

I felt physically disgusted. If I could, I would've thrown up right then and there.

"Dude, you have to tell Yumi! He doesn't deserve that." I told him.

"I know, I know! I just don't know how to.." he frowned.

I nodded.

"I'd just tell him straight up. Maybe that will be the last straw and he'll drop Delilah." I told him. He just shrugged.

"I don't think he'll be devastated either, he already doesn't like her. It shouldn't be that bad.." Nick added, trying to help.

"I guess... You know what? I'll tell him tonight. I'm sick of Delilah already." Isaac smiled confidently. Me and nick cheered him on and praised him.

"Good luck then, soldier." Nick pst his shoulder, making us all laugh a little.

"Thanks buddy." He smiled, patting him back.

And for the rest of the road, we listened to music and just talked about whatever we thought was needed to talk about. Which was basically everything.

If you would ask me, I'd say our bond grew bigger just a tiny bit with everything we talked about.

A/N : dude I feel great for getting a chapter out :3

Just a little spoiler alert..

Delilah WILL be definitely gone. For good.

Love you guys, sorry for the short chapter.. <33

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