Chapter 53

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Work was easy today

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Work was easy today. No new cases, still stuck on the old one. So when I get home, I have every intention of going straight to bed, not even wanting to bother taking off my clothes.

I unlock the front door and immediately let my bags drop to the floor. I see Spencer making dinner and his head snaps up when the sound of my bags colliding with the floor reaches his ears.

  "Everything okay?" He asks me immediately, walking over to grab my bags and put them in my room.

  "Yeah, just tired. Where's Auggie?" I ask, not seeing him anywhere around me.

  "Oh, he's at JJ's. She figured you needed a break and so Will picked him up earlier today. I also figured you needed a break so I let him go."

  "Thank god." I say, sighing. "I love that boy but I did need a break." I take a seat on the couch as Spencer walks over to me. "I want to say thank you."

  "Thank you?" He asks.

I nod, "yeah, for protecting me. And Auggie. I know I already said it but I want to say it again." and I'm looking at him as I say, "I think he implied that he would've hit me...or something and it scared me. I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there so, thank you, Spencer."

  "You don't have to thank me." He quietly responds and he begins to stand, holding out his hand for me to take. I stare at his hand for a moment, almost as if I'm hesitant to touch him, but then I slip my hand in his and the touch is electric.

He pulls me up and once standing, I put my hands on his chest to steady myself as I regain balance. But even when I'm balanced, I don't pull away. I stare at my hands on his chest and I find myself wanting to hold my breath so he can't potentially hear how loud my heart is beating.

  "I should probably go to bed." I say but I make no move to move away.

And neither does Spencer.

  "Do you want dinner first?" He asks just as quietly. He's grinning down at me, his hand moving from my forearm to the base of my neck.

There's an unrecognizable emotion that flashes through Spencer's eyes. It's quick. It's gone and fast just as it came. I nod my head, saying yes to the question but making no move. Both of us don't move. Neither of us head more into the kitchen for him to tell me what's for dinner nor do we discuss what we want to eat.

We stay exactly where we are: in the living room, my hands on his chest, his hand on the base of my neck, his thumb on my jaw. My heart thumps so forcefully in my chest that I hear it in my ears. Very slowly, I have my hands move up his chest to lock at the back of his neck.

I move closer, asking him "What's for dinner?" I sound a bit breathless as I curl some of his hair around my fingers.

Spencer shrugs his shoulders as he slowly begins to lean in, our eyes never breaking contact. "Whatever you want, honey." he whispers and I feel myself shudder as his warm breath fans against my face and I know he saw it too.

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