02. Her Kindness

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“I’m sorry, sir

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“I’m sorry, sir.” I murmured, my voice hardly heard as I lowered my gaze to the floor.

“Your apology will not change the fact that you caused us a loss, Myra.” The manager of the hotel, where I worked in the housekeeping department, growled through gritted teeth. His voice echoed through the room, causing me to tremble in fear.

My heart raced, and fear surged through my veins, as memories of past traumas flooded my mind.

“Just because you have been one of our punctual employees, we forgive you. However, you must repay the amount.” He continued in a serious tone.

His every word sent shivers down my spine, returning me to a time when voices like his had struck me with terror.

Trembling, I nodded, unable to find the words to respond. I stood there, paralyzed by fear, as he glared at me.

“Now clean up the mess you made, and the rest of you, is there a movie playing? Get lost.” He barked, and I jumped upon hearing the loud voice, which made others laugh at me. 

I bit my lip, fighting back tears, and forced myself to remain composed.

“Please clean the floor, princess.” The manager just gave me a look of disbelief before mocking me, while I just looked down, embarrassed at my behaviour. After giving me one last look, he marched out.

As I bent down to pick up the shattered plate from the floor, my hand shook uncontrollably. Unfortunately, one sharp piece pierced my skin, and I clenched my teeth in pain. 

Blood, though a mere trickle, drove me crazy. I panicked because images of bloodstained memories flashed before my closed eyes.

With my eyes squeezed shut, trying to escape the sight of my blood, I frantically rubbed the crimson stain onto my dark black skirt. Blood has always made me feel uneasy since I was a child.

“Myra, are you alright?” My eyes flickered open at the sound of Rudra’s concerned voice. He peered at me, genuine worry etched on his face.

“Yes, Rudra, I’m fine.” I assured him, blinking back tears that threatened to overflow. I couldn’t share the true cause of my distress with him because I had to carry it alone.

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