16. Desire To Feel His Lips

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I closed my eyes, my hand resting on my heart, as I leaned against the door for support

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I closed my eyes, my hand resting on my heart, as I leaned against the door for support. I had just rushed in from the garden, my heart racing and a certain pair of blue eyes kept flashing in my mind.

It was Zayn sir.

I blushed as the moment I just spent with him replayed in my mind.

He looked so adorable when I mentioned the camera thing.


But he was capturing my picture? Out of everything, he was capturing my picture? Why?

Does he—

No, no, Myra. Stop it. Don’t think anything nonsensical.

He’s your boss.

God, what is happening to me?

Then my eyes fell on the clock; it was 8 AM. My morning shift started at 9.

I had to make breakfast as well.

I rushed into the kitchen to prepare pancakes because Roshini loved them. She was still sleeping; well, she had already informed me she had taken a leave today. When I was heading to the garden, I asked where she was coming from, and she mentioned going for a ride, something she usually does.

However, this was the first time she had taken a leave. She mentioned wanting a relaxing day after a hectic one. Also, she told me she informed the manager that she had a fever, so if the manager asked me, she told me to give the same reason. Gosh.

As I gathered all the ingredients, I accidentally spilt honey all over myself.

Ugh, why am I even saying “accidentally”?

It’s totally Roshini’s fault. She must have left it open. Now I have to take another shower… Shit, I’m going to be late.

In a rush, I swiftly prepared sandwiches since there was no honey left. I mean, who wants pancakes without honey? It just wouldn’t make sense for me or Roshini.

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