27. Shattered

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Tears continuously streamed down my cheeks as I ran out of the room, pushing him

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Tears continuously streamed down my cheeks as I ran out of the room, pushing him. His presence, which used to make me feel good, was literally suffocating me at that moment.

I heard people gasping as soon as their eyes landed on me.

They all looked shocked.

Why wouldn’t they? I ran out of his room, crying, wearing just his shirt—no undergarments, no footwear.

My hair was open and messed up. I must have looked like a complete mess.

But the scenario I witnessed was so shocking that I couldn’t care about anyone or their opinion.

I just ran and ran without looking around until I reached my room in the servant quarters.

As I entered, opening the door, I saw Roshini getting ready for her shift in her uniform.

“Myra, what happened to you?” As she noticed me, she hurried towards me.

“Roshini...” I struggled to find the words, my breathing becoming heavy, and her eyes widened in concern at my condition. She embraced me in a comforting hug before I could say anything. “Roshini, how could I have let him get so close to me? He’s a criminal.” I choked out between sobs.

She asked, breaking the hug, tensed. “Who? What are you talking about? What happened to you?”

I parted my lips to answer her but couldn’t. I was trembling, thinking about the whole scenario.

“Oh god. Stop crying, Myra. Come, sit down and tell me what happened,” Roshini urged, guiding me to the bed.

I sank onto the mattress, tears still streaming down my face. She settled down beside me and held me by my shoulder. I couldn’t thank my stars more for her presence. At least I wasn’t alone.

She gently patted my back, waiting patiently for me to compose myself enough to speak. Though I knew she must have had countless questions, she gave me the space to gather my thoughts.

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