23. I trust you

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I entered the room and my heart pierced as I saw her sobbing, sitting on the edge of the bed

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I entered the room and my heart pierced as I saw her sobbing, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I don’t know what I’m going to say to her, and I don’t know how to console her. I’ve never talked softly with anyone, so I don’t know how to say sweet things to cheer someone up. However, seeing her, I want to do something for her. I desperately want to do something that might bring a smile to her face or stop the tears she is shedding, which are piercing my heart.

Shaking my thoughts away, I took a few steps closer to her. “Myr- Myra—”

As she looked at me, she stood up immediately in fright, making my heart ache.

I didn’t want her to be afraid of me. Never!

I approached her and gently cupped her face with my palms. She was looking down, but as soon as my palm touched her, she slowly lifted her hazel eyes to meet mine. We kept staring at each other, but her eyes continued to shed tears, which made me feel even more guilty.

“Hey, please don’t cry. You look beautiful when you smile; these tears don’t suit you.” I drawled, surprised by the gentle tone of my voice.

I delicately wiped her tears with my fingers. Her chubby cheeks felt so cushiony that even in this situation, I felt like gobbling her up. However, her teary eyes made me feel pathetic about my existence. I didn’t want to hurt her in any manner. She brought out the best sides of me, while what did I do? I made her cry.

“I didn’t steal. Please let me go.” As she sobbed, afraid of me, I closed my eyes in dejection.

I shouldn’t have let Marco hurt her. I had spent so many beautiful moments with her in such a short span of time, and I always thought she was different. She deserved to be treated softly and with care. Despite that, at that moment, my mind took over my intuitions and I let things happen that weren’t supposed to happen. She didn’t deserve that treatment, but how could I have trusted her?

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