37. You Want Me To Pleasure You

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Kabir's P.O.V.

We lay naked in each other's arms after the morning fuck. I was puffing on my cigarette, thinking about all the moments I had spent with Roshini. Yesterday, we had gone shopping, then out to dinner, and ended up having sex in the restaurant's restroom. It was a fucking amazing day.

Suddenly, Roshini snatched the cigarette from my hand and took a puff at it, surprising me.

"Do you smoke?"

"Sometimes." She replied, blowing out the smoke.

"I think there are so many things about each other that we should know, but we don't," I spoke, caressing her hair and fixing my eyes on her.

Her eyes sparkled with mischief. "Let's play a game."

"What game?" I asked, raising my brows at her.

"We'll take turns asking each other questions about ourselves," she starts explaining. "If you answer correctly, I'll reward you, and if you answer incorrectly, you won't receive anything. Likewise, if I answer correctly, you'll reward me."

"I like it. Let's play." I took the cigarette from her hand, and after taking the last long drag on it, I stubbed it out in an ashtray placed on the side table.

She rested her chin on my chest and stared at me. "You ask first."

I gently tucked the lock behind her ear and asked, "Tell me my favourite dish."

"You know what you like to eat the most." She smirked at me, making me curious. She moved closer to my ear and whispered. "My pussy."

"Fuck! That's true. But I'm asking about food, Roshini."

She chuckled before saying, "I know that as well. You like Italian food. Yesterday, the entire day, you ordered that only."

"I'm impressed." I gave a quick on her lips before moving down between her legs. "Now it's time to reward my feisty woman." Grabbing her thighs, I splayed her legs and buried my face between them.

She moaned, grinding herself against me and clutching my hair as I drove her crazy with my tongue, flicking it on her clit and sliding it into her.

After making her cum, I again held her close to me. "Now you turn. Ask me a question about yourself."

She thought for a few seconds before finally asking, "What do I like to do when I feel upset or angry?"

"That's easy, Roshini." I peck on her lips.

"Tell me." She looked at me with curiosity.

"You go on a long bike ride."

"That's fucking right." She straddled me and kissed my lips passionately. "But you know what my favourite ride is." She asked, breaking the kiss.

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