31. She needs you

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Zayn’s P.O.V.

At night as I returned to my vast mansion in Russia with Kabir and Jackson, I felt emptiness in my heart. It was as though I had lost everything all over again. Departing from the hotel earlier in the morning, I longed for one final glimpse of my sunshine’s face. My eyes were fixed on her room's window, but I knew she remained concealed behind the curtain. I could feel her gaze upon me, and I understood why she refused to show herself. She despised me because I was a monster to her, nothing else.

My trance broke as I heard the familiar voice of my loyal companion, Tyson. Looking at him, I could see the excitement in his eyes as he snuggled around my leg, clearly overjoyed to see me after what felt like an eternity.

He was a dog, but he considered himself a tiger, and he literally hated it if someone called him a dog.

He had been on vaccination when I left for Russia. Although I met him before leaving, it had still been a long time since we spent time together.

He had not been well for the past month, but now he was all good and healthy.

I knelt to his level and softly patted his head while he gently rubbed his face around my neck, giving me a warm hug.

His comforting presence and unconditional love somewhere eased the ache in my heart. With a concerned whimper, he looked up at me, feeling my sadness.

He stared at Kabir and Jackson with an angry gaze, as if they were the reason for my sadness. The reason for my sadness was something else, and he didn’t know. He just glared at them as if he were all ready to attack them, just waiting for my one order.

“What the fuck, dude! Even I’m your boss. Stop staring at me like this,” Kabir groaned, looking at him, while Jackson just hid himself behind Kabir, clearly avoiding looking at Tyson.

I shook my head in disbelief.

“It has nothing to do with them, Tyson. Let them be. Let's go to my room.” I told him, walking forward without even glancing at Kabir or Jackson.

Tyson barked at them but immediately followed me, matching my pace.

I was in my room, lost in thought as I gazed at the picture of Myra.

"She's Myra. She looks pretty, doesn't she?" I asked Tyson.

He stared at me, then back at the picture. His gaze remained fixed as if he were analyzing every detail about her through the phone.

With a gentle touch of his paw, he caressed the screen. His touch was so delicate when he traced over her face, bringing a smile to my face.

Looking at me with a gleam in his eyes, he then turned his attention back to Myra, almost as if he were teasing me.

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