33. Whispers of Trust

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Zayn’s P.O.V.

“What if I tell you we’re sailing in the same boat?” She whispered, and I released my grip on her arms. A hiss escaped her lips, and I noticed the mark my hold had left on her wrist.

I felt a pang of guilt as I saw it. “Sunshine, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I spoke, regret dripping from my voice. I caressed her wrists as if I was trying to erase the pain I had caused.

I was happy seeing her, but I also felt frustrated by how much she was controlling me. When I saw that man disrespecting her, I felt an urge to kill that fucking bastard. I was feeling so many emotions at that time, but my heart and mouth still chose to speak softly to her, and just this behaviour of mine was literally making me irritated. In response, I held her so tightly. Fuck!

“You came here for me, right?” My trance broke, and I looked at her upon hearing her innocent question.

The hate that I saw in her eyes last time was now replaced with something else that I had longed for in two weeks. Her ears just wanted to hear “yes” from my mouth.

I asked, “You wanted me to come, right?”

Although I knew she wanted me to come, I still wanted to hear it from her mouth.

“From the bottom of my heart.” My heart quickened at her innocent words.

I hadn’t expected it.

A smile spread across my face, but as my eyes shifted to the red mark on her wrist, which I had given to her, guilt washed over my face once again.

“Why didn’t you stop me? I shouldn’t have done that.” I asked, my gaze fixed on her slightly red wrist.

I couldn’t stop myself from kissing there, wanting to ease the pain with my soft kisses. I sensed her body trembling under the tender touch of my lips, and she closed her eyes.

“Because I didn’t want to stop you,” she responded, opening her eyes, and I felt rooted in my place. “I was waiting for you, and I was happy to see you here. Even the pain felt like a pleasure to me.”

Her profound words surprised me and brought peace to my heart, which I had been longing for over the past two weeks.

Just two weeks ago, she had despised and feared me. What had changed in these two weeks that made her stop hating me? I wondered, observing her. She was looking at me with many emotions in her eyes while I was gazing back at her trying to understand them.

I didn't even come to know for how long we kept looking at each other, but my trance broke when she tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear.

Then my eyes noticed properly, she's decked up in her uniform and her hair, which was tied up in a bun. I didn’t like them like this. I just wanted them to be open. Without thinking twice, my hand reached for the pin in her hair. As I gazed at her, she knew what I was going to do. She knew I loved her long, silky, open hair.

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