14. Silly Girl!

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My phone pinged with a message as I sat inside the car, returning from a meeting

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My phone pinged with a message as I sat inside the car, returning from a meeting.

I took out the phone.

Kabir: Have a great time at work, my love, and don’t miss me.

I shook my head in disbelief upon reading his message. He sent it with a wink emoji.

Me: Fuck off.

I replied to him before keeping my phone back inside my coat pocket. I ignored it as I heard the pinging sound again. I was sure he must have sent a laughing emoji. Idiot!

I sighed, looking outside the car’s window.

“It’s quite late; I didn’t think I’d be able to see her now,” I murmured under my breath as soon as my driver pulled the car out in front of the hotel.

I had decided to send Kabir, Marco, and a few of my men back because in Russia some important dealings of consignment were required. They would leave in a few hours directly from Pune and would be back on the day of the meeting for the after-party. I had planned to stay in Pune, but then I came back here.

For the meeting, still two days left, so I could stay here, and then after attending that meeting and party, I’d go back to Russia.

“Have a good night, sir.” A valet of the hotel came immediately and wished me, opening the car door. I nodded and came out of the car before going directly inside the VIP entrance of the hotel. I saw some of my men following me.

“Are you guys going to sleep with me?” I stopped in my tracks and asked them without turning my back. When I heard no reply, I turned around and glared at them as I saw them still standing behind me, looking down.

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